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How can I calculate the impulse caused by a nuclear bomb on structures?

I want to calculate the impulse caused by a nuclear bomb on structures. Is there a function that I can use to calculate the amount of impulse acted upon by a nuclear bomb depending on its size? Also, ...
user206130's user avatar
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Conservation of linear momentum after explosion with friction

Let's say you have a bomb at rest submerged in a liquid. It then explodes into two equal fragments A and B which leave in opposite directions. If we ignore the fluid and any sound or light we can ...
Massagran's user avatar
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Does the force of releasing the latch of a spring-latch contraption affects the force generated by the spring?

There is this contraption in my class, where a rod is attached to a latch and a spring. By pulling the latch back behind a piece of metal, the latch is secured, the rod if pulled back and the spring ...
Long Vuong's user avatar
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Why is velocity proportional to radius in a spherical explosion?

While doing problems on spherically symmetric explosions, I noticed I had been intuitively assuming that velocity scales linearly with radius of the "shell" under consideration. To be more ...
Cognoscenti's user avatar
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Expanding matter from exploded asteroid

Suppose an asteroid explodes, into a spherically symmetrical cloud, of radius R, mass M, and surface receding velocity V (normal to the edge of the cloud), initially the density is radially uniform. ...
Anmoldeep's user avatar
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How to measure the initial velocity of a potato gun?

I have made a 2m potato gun (It's like a cannon - the noise makes your ears buzz for some second :) ) Its uses alcohol as fuel. an igniter fires. then the potato will be shot out. anyway. as it's ...
AHB's user avatar
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