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How to obtain exoplanets transmission spectra from JWST's NIRISS data of WASP96?

I was having a look at JWST's NIRISS data of WASP96 (specifically at the x1dints fits file which should be already calibrated). From this, I would like to obtain a result in a fashion similar to the ...
gangio's user avatar
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How can spectroscopy be used to find the composition of exoplanet atmospheres?

How can astronomers use light spectroscopy to measure the composition of different planets when they can't directly image the planet because the star that they are orbiting is so much bigger and ...
Jordan 's user avatar
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How do Astronomers Measure the Mass of a Planet using Doppler Spectroscopy?

So, I am making an essay explaining planet-hunting techniques. And while I do get how astronomers measure the semi-major axis of a planetary orbit (using Kepler Laws), I don't get how they measure the ...
Andrew's user avatar
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For a planet which has a temperature gradient, hot in the center and cooler on the surface, why do we get absorption lines?

For a planet which has a temperature gradient, hot in the center and cooler on the surface, why do we see absorption lines? Similarly, why do we see emission lines if the planet is hot on the ...
yalis's user avatar
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Spectroscopy and the current state of our ability to determine the composition of extra-solar planets

I was interested in learning more about the status of our scientific understanding and technological instruments regarding extra solar spectroscopy. I am motivated by this almost 3 year old question/...
Isopycnal Oscillation's user avatar
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What is the probability that a star of a given spectral type will have planets?

There is a lot of new data from the various extrasolar planet projects including NASA's Kepler mission on extra-solar planets. Based on our current data what is the probability that a star of each of ...
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