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Covariant derivative of a Dirac spinor and Kosmann lift

In [1] I have found a definition of the covariant derivative of a Dirac field with a general connection $\omega_{\mu a}{}^{b}$ (with torsion and non-metricity) [see eq. (29)]: $$\nabla_{\mu}\psi=\...
Gravitino's user avatar
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What's the generator of spinor field shifts?

The shift of a scalar field $\Phi$: $$ \Phi \rightarrow \Phi'=\Phi - i \epsilon $$ is generated by $$ G = -i \frac{d}{d\Phi},$$ because $$ \mathrm{e}^{-i \epsilon \frac{d}{d\Phi} } \Phi = (1-i\...
jak's user avatar
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What does it mean to differentiate a spinor-valued field?

Peskin and Schroeder, equation 3.28, states that the Klein-Gordon equation $$(\partial^2+m^2)\psi=0 \tag{3.28}$$ is a valid choice of equation for a Dirac spinor field. Their explanation makes sense (...
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