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Could nuclear weapons been developed without appreciating $E=mc^2$? [closed]

EDIT: The question was closed due to being opinion-based, so let me explain what I am asking: It often happens that there is a theorem that gives insight and simplifies the calculations, but it is not ...
Lior's user avatar
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A gram of antimatter reacting with a gram of matter releases Hiroshima-like energy, but is that true in practice?

My understanding is that a particle must meet its antiparticle. So if you a one-gram cube of, say, anti-gold and shot it into a one-gram cube of normal gold, how would you get the particles to come in ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Will the mass of a stick of dynamite be conserved when it is exploded?

If a stick of dynamite is blown up in a hermetically sealed chamber, the mass of the chamber and fragments, the heat, sound, and light would still be equal to the original mass of the chamber and ...
Sykhow's user avatar
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What is the maximum energy that can be released by thermonuclear device?

Forgive me by posing this somewhat scary question, but it's just out of curiosity I'm asking it. In this video we're witnessing the beautiful and at the same time horrific blast of the tsar bomba, ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
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How fast would the destruction caused by an asteroid impact travel on earth?

I know it depends on mass and speed, so take for example the asteroid that caused dinosaurs mass extinction. I read that it was 6km (10 miles) wide. How fast did the destruction - trees, rocks, dirt, ...
RealAnyOne's user avatar
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Why it took such a long time for an army of physicists to realize the atomic bomb, while in theory it seems pretty easy?

I think most of us know about the construction of the first atomic bomb at Los Alamos, with Robert Oppenheimer (who said he became "The destroyer of worlds", which goes to show he regretted his ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
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Hydrogen Bomb Mass to Energy?

How much mass is converted to energy when a hydrogen bomb explodes? I remember an eighth grade chemistry class where, by going through the nuclear processes, my teacher estimated that roughly 2g of ...
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