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Questions tagged [de-sitter-spacetime]

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Does an expanding de-Sitter bubble create mass from nothing?

Dear Physics Stack Exchange Community, I am experimenting a bit with different kinds of FLRW solutions to the Einstein equations, in particular with the de-Sitter solution, which comes from choosing $...
Daniel's user avatar
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Express tangent basis in embedding coordinates in order to calculate Killing vectors

I need help expressing vectors from the tangent basis in terms of others using a constraint that gives rise to a submanifold. Take Minkowski in 2+1 and the hyperboloid $-X_{0}^{2}+X_{1}^{2}+X_{2}^{2}=...
Manuel Mizrahi's user avatar
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Why is hyperbolic space needed in AdS / CFT?

Is there a reason why a hyperbolic bulk is needed in AdS/CFT (other than the name suggests it must be an AdS)? In other words would a flat or positively curved bulk, work with the CFT correspondence? ...
Hallee's user avatar
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Are de Sitter, Anti-de Sitter and Minkowski spaces spatially infinite?

I am not someone who has studied general relativity, however have recently developed an interest in it. From what I have seen online, de Sitter, Minkowski and Anti-de Sitter spaces are often compared ...
Aradhya Jain's user avatar
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Does the cosmological constant entail a mass for the graviton?

If I consider the Einstein equations into the form $$ R_{\mu\nu}=\kappa \left(T_{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{2}g_{\mu\nu}T\right)+\Lambda g_{\mu\nu} $$ and then linearize them, we should get by moving to ...
Jon's user avatar
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Static Patch Decomposition of Bunch Davies Vacuum

In the Jerusalem Lectures on Black Holes section 3.3 the author considers a QFT in Minkowski space. He then picks out a space coordiante, say $x$, and divides the Hilbert space $H$ of the QFT in two ...
Aralian's user avatar
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Bogoliubov transformation of Bunch-Davies vacuum

Let $\left|0\right>$ be the Bunch-Davies vacuum state of a QFT, for example a free scalar field, in de Sitter space. The creation and annihilation operators w.r.t. this state is a vacuum, i.e. $a^...
Aralian's user avatar
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OPE limit of four-point function in de Sitter space

I have been trying to read the paper 'Cosmological Collider Physics'. This paper studies several things, of which the most interesting to me was studying the correlation function in de Sitter space by ...
Chandra Prakash's user avatar
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Removing the cosmic horizon in the de Sitter metric

The metric for de Sitter spacetime in static coordinates is $$ds^2 = \left(1-\frac{r^2}{\ell^2}\right)dt^2 - \frac {1}{1 - \frac{r^2}{\ell^2}}dr^2 - r^2\,d\Omega_2^2.$$ It is evident that there exists ...
Daniel Waters's user avatar
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Could I peel a black hole or at least sneak a peek beyond the event horizon with compact matter?

If you created an annular ring of compact matter, delicately balancing it and continuously adding matter to the ring in a stable orbit around a dormant black hole, could you peer beyond the ...
Travis R's user avatar
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Bitensors at three or more space-time points

Bitensors, i.e. tensors at two points that have indices belonging to either of them, have been used in the literature quite a bit and there are many calculations involving them. They are the go-to ...
Skybuilder's user avatar
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Emergent Entropic Gravity from Quantum Entanglement in de Sitter Space?

Question: Is there already a theory (formula) available for emergent entropic gravity from Quantum Entanglement in de Sitter space? For detailed background information please refer to a recent ...
UN73's user avatar
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Can the General Relativity Energy Relation of the Static Patch of deSitter Space be Quantized?

I am trying to play around with quantum field theory in de Sitter space. In reading a lecture about General Relativity, I found that, in the static patch of de Sitter space, the conserved quantity of ...
Gabriel Turner's user avatar
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de Sitter spacetime, spacetime without boundaries and holographic principle

One of the most intriguing aspects of black hole thermodynamics is that of holography or the holographic principle, namely, that the degrees of freedom of a putative theory of quantum gravity is ...
riemannium's user avatar
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Conformal flatness of $\rm dS$ spacetime

There exists a flat slicing in the lower triangle area of the Penrose diagram of $\rm dS$ spacetime. To see this point, one introduces the planner coordinate, as defined in eq(13) of Les Houches ...
Lain's user avatar
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Cosmological understanding from Penrose diagram of de Sitter spacetime

The conformal diagram of de Sitter spacetime looks like this I think I understand the causal properties of this diagram. Someone who is static in the south pole can send messages only to the upper ...
P. C. Spaniel's user avatar
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Question about cosmological constant and radius of curvature of the universe

Dimensional analysis suggests that $\Lambda R^2 \sim O(1)$, where $\Lambda$ is the cosmological constant and $R$ is the radius of the universe. $\Lambda$ is measured to be around $10^{-52}$ m$^{-2}$, ...
Panopticon's user avatar
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Carter Constant with a Cosmological Constant

The Carter constant for the Kerr Newman metric $$ \rm C = p_{\theta}^{2} + \cos^{2}\theta \ \Bigg[ a^2 \ (m^2 - E^2) + \left(\frac{L_z}{\sin\theta} \right)^{2} \Bigg] $$ with (in $[+---]$ signature) $$...
Yukterez's user avatar
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Is the limit from $d\mathcal{S}_4$ to Minkowski spacetime smooth?

For a static observer, the boundary of observed $dS^4$ spacetime locates on $r=\ell$, $\ell$ is the de Sitter radius which is reversely proportional to spacetime curvature or say cosmological constant ...
Lain's user avatar
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DeSitter cosmological horizon stability?

If the universe keeps expanding at an accelerated rate (given by the cosmological constant) then the universe would approach a DeSitter spacetime where there would be a cosmological horizon that would ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Can a black hole in a quasi-de Sitter universe have scalar hair?

Any static and axially symmetric, asymptotically flat black hole spacetime cannot support scalar hair. The universe is not asymptotically flat since it is quasi-de Sitter. Could we find a black hole ...
riemannium's user avatar
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Textbooks on the Schwarzschild-de-Sitter Metric

Does anybody know a textbook on the geometry of the Schwarzschild-de-Sitter metric and its maximal extension? It's not in Hawking & Ellis.
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Trying to get a metric like $ds^2 = -e^{2H_0t} dt^2 + dx^2$ from a higher dimensional Minkowski spacetime

Since the 4D de Sitter spacetime can be found by slicing up a 5D Minkowski spacetime: de Sitter space from generalized Minkowski spacetime resulting in a metric like: $ds^2 = - dt^2 + e^{2H_0t} dx^2$ ...
MikeHelland's user avatar
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de Sitter space from generalized Minkowski spacetime

I'm trying to follow this: "The metric on de Sitter space is the metric induced from the ambient Minkowski metric." What I have in mind is ...
MikeHelland's user avatar
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How to move from AdS to dS space?

I studied different black holes in different spacetime and I also checked their differences, for example, the difference that exists in dS and AdS spaces. The question that has been created for me is ...
Saber's user avatar
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How to calculate the total entropy of dS black holes?

In several articles where the thermodynamics of dS black holes have been investigated, the entropy part of the model or the total entropy has been analyzed based on the entropy of the black hole ...
Saber's user avatar
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The extreme dS black holes in 5 dimensions

In the paper, we have a $f(r)$ in Eq(6). $$f(r)=1-(\Lambda/3)r^2-M/r^{(D-3)}+Q^2/r^{2D-6}$$ In 5 dimension $f(r)$ is $$f(r)=1-(\Lambda/3)r^2-M/r^2+Q^2/r^{4}$$ For ...
Alice's user avatar
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Is there an expression for a black hole in global deSitter coordinates?

The usual deSitter-Schwartzchild black hole is expressed in terms of the static patch, is there a coordinate patch and metric that describes global deSitter with a black hole?
YankyL's user avatar
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EM tensor in de Sitter spacetime

The energy momentum tensor for a particle in Minkowski space at position $\textbf{r}_A$ is given by: $$T^{\mu \nu} = \frac{p^{\mu}p^{\nu}}{E/c^2}\delta(\textbf{r} - \textbf{r}_A)$$ I want to ...
newtothis's user avatar
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Solution of Einstein's field equation for local energy density

If there is a uniform positive energy density present in a patch of space-time, what would be the metric describing the patch? a de-Sitter patch? What would be the gravitational potential felt by a ...
spacetime's user avatar
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What is the topology of a de Sitter spacetime with multiple timelike dimensions?

(I believe that) de Sitter space is the only maximally symmetric Lorentzian spacetime, and that for $n$ spacetime dimensions, it has the hypercylindrical topology $\mathbb{R} \times S^{n-1}$. This is ...
tparker's user avatar
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Has DeSitter radiation been observed or experimentally verified?

I found an interesting article by Paul Davies ( which involves radiation emmited by DeSitter horizons. But is it a fact that this ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Cosmic expansion from De-Sitter global coordinates metric

Can we show cosmic expansion from this dS metric? \begin{equation} ds^{2} = -d\tau^{2} + R^{2}\cosh^{2}(\tau/R) d\Omega^{2}_{3} \end{equation} I understand that in this background, matter can be set ...
Khozimental's user avatar
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Supergravity in our universe of accelerated expansion

In "On supergravity theories, after ~40 years" (Jean-Pierre Derendinger) presented on DISCRETE 2014" it is said (p.16) that a positive cosmological constant is not compatible with ...
Frederic Thomas's user avatar
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de Sitter space vs de Sitter universe

I have heard of the term de Sitter space. From this post user G. Smith writes, De Sitter spacetime is curved; specifically, it has the same positive scalar curvature at every point. Likewise, when I ...
Maximal Ideal's user avatar
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Positive and negative curvature de Sitter spacetimes

I'm reading Mukhanov's "Physical foundations of cosmology" and in the section on the de Sitter universe, he examines a perfect fluid with pressure $p$ equal to negative of the energy density ...
EM_1's user avatar
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Double Wick Rotation of de Sitter Metric with Closed Slicing

The de Sitter spacetime (with closed spherically symmetric slicing) has the metric $$\text{d}s^2 = -\text{d}t^2 + \alpha^2\cosh(t/\alpha)^2\text{d}\Omega_{d-1}^2$$ where $\text{d}\Omega_{d-1}^2$ is ...
Dhuality's user avatar
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Negative surface tension of de Sitter event horizon?

Questions – What does a negative surface tension of a de Sitter cosmological event horizon actually mean? Scotch in water, or something else? What does a zero ‘external’ vacuum pressure to the de ...
Mr Anderson's user avatar
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Confusion with timelike geodesics in de Sitter space

Without deriving the whole geodesic, I'm thinking I should be able to qualitatively see how the geodesics will curve just by looking at the connection coefficients. Given the static coordinates $$ds^...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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F-theory questions on MSSM vs. SM compatibility and on de Sitter vacua

Having read, and, I noted the use of MSSM (Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model) as if equivalent to ...
shm.physics's user avatar
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Can we glue the Schwarzschild and the de Sitter metrics at their event horizon?

Is there a way to glue the de Sitter metric inside the event horizon of the Schwarzschild metric, without an explicit reference to a particular coordinates system? Using the standard radial ...
Cham's user avatar
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Is the number of possible values of a quantum observable finite, countably infinite or uncountably infinite?

Do we know, or have a theory about, whether the number of possible values any fundamental quantum property can assume upon observation is finite, countably infinite or uncountably infinite?
matthias_buehlmann's user avatar
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Can a massless electric charge particle exist in a de Sitter universe?

Because of the cosmological constant, our universe may reach a de Sitter universe in the far future. If we suppose this, the most basic group of particle physics will be the Sitter, rather than ...
Pat2021's user avatar
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Holographic Degrees of Freedom

What does it mean when one says "holographic degrees of freedom" in dS space? As Susskind does in his recent papers, the latest here (page 18).
Aayush Verma's user avatar
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Why do string theorists seem to ignore cosmology?

Related and sort of a follow-up question to: If string theory is inconsistent with observations, why hasn't it been rejected yet? From the answer to that question, string theorists are aware the ...
Allure's user avatar
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Why are the radius of the observable universe and radius of curvature of dark energy almost the same?

If you take the Einstein equation, $R_{\mu\nu} - \frac12 Rg_{\mu\nu} = \frac{8\pi G}{c^4}T_{\mu\nu}$ and plug in the estimated vacuum energy of $10^{-9} J/m^3$ for $T_{\mu\mu}$, you get a spatial ...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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Anti de Sitter & de Sitter Spacetime [duplicate]

Can anyone please explain what are the Anti de Sitter and de Sitter spacetime and what is special about them? I am learning general relativity and I stumbled upon them a few times, even on the subject ...
Jovan Alfian Djaja's user avatar
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De Sitter horizon area increase

Black holes increase area when any object falls past the horizon. Note: We define "when" as when the hair from the object falling in becomes undetectable for distant observers. It would also ...
Kevin Kostlan's user avatar
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Is there a smooth, spherically symmetric, static, asymptotically de Sitter spacetime of constant scalar curvature?

...other than de Sitter space itself? Two clarifications: I am not talking about solutions of Einstein's equations, just spacetimes. So, general Lorentzian manifolds. I am not counting, for example,...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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The contravariant derivative of a substitution for the de Sitter metric

Consider the de Sitter metric: $$ds^2 = (1-\frac{r^2}{a^2})dt^2 -(1-\frac{r^2}{a^2})^{-1}dr^2-r^2d\Omega^2$$ I know that we rewrite the metric as $(u,r,\theta \phi)$ using the substitution $$u = t-...
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