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Electron microscopy and Interatomic distances of miller planes

I am studying Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and have been seeing in articles TEM images of different materials typically come accompanied by these diffraction patterns, caused by the ...
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What are the best resources for Crystallography?

I am undertaking a module in nanosurfaces and I was unaware that I would require some knowledge in Crystallography. The information that I must know regarding this area are Miller indices, Symmetries, ...
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Quantify/visualize atomic clusters in multi-component crystalline materials

Let's say we have a material $AB$. Is it possible to detect atomic clusters of A atoms experimentally? The size of clusters in question: 2 atoms (nearest neighbour (nn) pairs), 3 atoms (nn triangles), ...
Hitanshu Sachania's user avatar
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Relation between $(hkl)$ indices and the integers $m_i$ in $\vec{G}=\sum_i m_i\vec{b}_i$?

Can somebody explain how to establish the connection between Miller indices $(h,k,l)$ of a crystal plane and the triplet of integers $(m_1,m_2,m_3)$ that appear in the linear combination $$\vec{G}=...
Solidification's user avatar
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Using Miller indices to determine interference from a particular plane in a crystal lattice

In terms of x-ray diffraction from crystals. I was wondering how you can use the miller indices to determine whether there will be constructive or destructive interference from a particular plane in ...
Henry Mullen's user avatar
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Process of x-ray crystallography

This is a pretty basic question but I would just like some confirmation of what I suspect is true. As I understand it, the basic idea behind x-ray crystallography is that we take our crystal and hit ...
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