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When Does a Singularity Become Naked in Space-Time?

A singularity within a space-time š¯‘€ is typically hidden behind an event horizon, preventing any information from the singularity from reaching distant observers. However, a singularity may be "...
Lagrangiann's user avatar
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Does Violating Cosmic Censorship Really Mean Violating Causality?

As I understand it, the basic motivation behind ruling out a naked singularity is that we don't know what is happening at a singularity and thus, we won't be able to predict anything in the universe ...
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Does cosmic censorship rule out stable toroidal black holes? How?

I'm having a hard time understanding what the arguments against stable toroidal black holes are saying. For many of these, I can't figure out if they're talking about: A non-rotating toroidal event ...
Alan Rominger's user avatar
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How is the direction of time determined in general relativity?

In special relativity every frame has its own unique time axis, represented in Minkowski diagrams by a fan-out of time vectors that grows infinitely dense as you approach the surface of the light cone ...
Terry Bollinger's user avatar