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2 answers

After the discovery of the "unicorn" black hole, how likely is the Earth to be hit by a blackhole?

We know that the earth's chances to be hit by a blackhole before the death of the sun were practically 0 but how do the odds change after the discovery of the unicorn? About the unicorn: https://www....
Sbavert's user avatar
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1 answer

Black hole on Earth, 1 foot in diameter [duplicate]

If a black hole 12 inches in diameter were situated (say) 10 metres off the ground, what would happen? And how long would it take to devour the earth?
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2 answers

Would a micro black hole keep oscillating around the center of Earth forever?

If a micro black hole was dropped from the surface of the Earth, and that it was too small to absorb particles and eat the Earth, it would fall until emerging from the other side, then fall again and ...
Eth's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Would a micro black hole have enough energy to heat and liquefy the Earth from within without consuming it first?

Let's say an alien race drops a microscopic 72135 metric ton black hole into the center of the earth. It's Schwarzchild radius is too small (only 0.0001071103 femtometers) so it won't actually be able ...
SurpriseDog's user avatar
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Innermost stable circular orbit in Schwarzschild solution

I've been reading about GR recently and I can follow the derivation of a Schwarzschild solution to it's final and well known form in Schwarzschild coordinates. The orbit stability argument (for a ...
shull's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

What would happen if somebody dropped a small black hole into the Earth?

Suppose we drop a small black hole, but large enough that it accumulates mass more quickly than it radiates it, into the Earth. What happens? This question has already been asked here and here, but ...
Peter Shor 's user avatar
12 votes
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What if the Chelyabinsk meteor had been a black hole of equivalent mass?

The Chelyabinsk meteor is estimated to have had a mass of 10,000 - 13,000 metric tons. A black hole of mass $13\times10^6\ \mathrm{kg}$ has a radius of $$ r = \frac{2GM}{c^2} = \frac{(2 \times 6....
Jim Garrison's user avatar
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1 answer

Would a mini-blackhole collision with Earth cause heating? [duplicate]

Let's forget about the probability of this event. I am a mad scientist on the Moon, I created a micro black hole of the diameter $r=0.5cm$. I have to be fast before it evaporates due to Hawking ...
Neinstein's user avatar
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1 answer

How destructive would a small black hole be on the surface of the Earth?

Say a black hole with the diameter of around 200 meters or so was formed on the Earth's surface, how much damage would it cause?
T.Davis's user avatar
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Do all stars Turn into Black Holes? [duplicate]

If all stars turn into black Holes one day, in far future, what will happen to Earth if Sun becomes a Black Hole.
axelonet's user avatar
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3 answers

Milky Way galaxy central black hole and time contraction of life story

We know that life is almost 4 billion years old on Earth. We also know that time contracts as we approach the event horizon of the massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Now the ...
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0 answers

Could we have a black hole on Earth? [duplicate]

There was once a Far Side cartoon in which a black hole had opened in someone's living room and was sucking the furniture, people, pets, etc to the middle of the room. It was a funny picture, but ...
user3764's user avatar
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4 answers

What would happen to the Moon if Earth is turned into a black hole? [duplicate]

Assume that all of sudden the Earth is turned into a black hole. And the moon revolves around the Earth (before turning into a black hole). What would happen to the Moon after earth changes to black ...
Hash's user avatar
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2 answers

How small the Earth should be for it to become a black hole? [closed]

How small would the earth have to be squashed so that it would become a black hole?
Hash's user avatar
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What would the effect be of a small black hole colliding with the earth?

If a small black hole (say about .1 mm radius or 1% of Earth's mass) came flying along at the speed of a comet or higher and impacted the earth, what would happen? Would it pass through the earth (and ...
xpda's user avatar
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4 answers

If there was a black hole on earth, what would it look like?

If an answer does exist, I'd love to hear it. I'm trying to incorporate a doomed earth story in something I'm writing, and the end of the world I'm going for is a black hole. Let's say the black hole ...
markovchain's user avatar
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7 answers

How fast a (relatively) small black hole will consume the Earth?

This question appeared quite a time ago and was inspired, of course, by all the fuss around "LHC will destroy the Earth". Consider a small black hole, that is somehow got inside the Earth. Under "...
Kostya's user avatar
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