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What equation does KATRIN use to measure neutrino masses?

Source KATRIN weighs neutrinos produced by the nuclear decay of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. When a tritium nucleus transmutes into a helium one, it ejects an electron and a neutrino (...
Allure's user avatar
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Why is a fourth type of active neutrinos not allowed by the invisible width of the $Z$-boson?

I don't understand the following statement from my notes: "A fourth active neutrino is not allowed by the invisible width of the $Z$-boson to which it would contribute as much as one active ...
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Has it ever been possible to measure the fluxes of $\nu_e$, $\nu_\mu$ and $\nu_\tau$ separately?

This is a follow-up of the question asked here. After going through the Wikipedia page on SNO experiment, I need further clarifications about the accepted answer here. First, the SNO experiment ...
SRS's user avatar
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Does the Planck Spacecraft end the question of sterile neutrinos?

The 2015 results of the Planck satellite only found evidence of 3 neutrino's with the 4th (sterile neutrino) unlikely. However, in May 2018, physicists of the MiniBooNE experiment reported a stronger ...
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Why should $\nu_\mu\to \nu_e$ oscillations be expected to be unobservable in short baseline experiments?

The blog here says On the other hand, several rogue experiments refuse to conform to the standard 3-flavor picture. The most severe anomaly is the appearance of electron neutrinos in a muon ...
SRS's user avatar
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Estimate of neutrino masses from the values of $\Delta m_{21}^2$ and $\Delta m_{13}^2$ only!

The blog here says that The measured mass differences between the eigenstates are $\Delta m_{21}^2=7.5\times 10^{-5} {\rm eV}^2$ and $\Delta m_{13}^2=2.5\times 10^{-3} {\rm eV}^2$, suggesting that ...
SRS's user avatar
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Calculation of mixing angle and mass squared difference in neutrino experiments

How is an exclusion curve/contour plotted in $\Delta{m^2}$ - $\tan(\theta)$ plane from a given experimental data and how the best fit value of $\Delta{m^2}$ (mass squared difference) and $\theta$ (...
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Neutrino Nuclei Coherent scattering and the Dark Matter lower wall

Suppose that current and new forthcoming dark matter direct detection experiments find no evidence of Dark matter events and exclude interactions of hypothetical DM particles (like LSP or similar) in ...
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