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Number of baryons in the Skyrme model

In QCD, the Eightfold Way organizes the number of baryons with respect to their flavor and color quantum numbers: for three light $(u,d,s)$ quark constituents, a spin-(1/2) baryon octet and a spin-(3/...
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’t Hooft anomaly matching and massless baryons

In Lectures on Gauge Theory by David Tong there is statement (section 5.6.3 The Vafa-Witten-Weingarten Theorems), that: To invoke the full power of ’t Hooft anomaly matching, we needed to assume that ...
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Spin of skyrmion

Baryons can be considered as solitions in Skyrme model(See also this post.): Such Lagrangian haven't any information about number of colors. Bosonic or fermionic nature of baryons depends on number ...
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Which force is responsible for $\Sigma$(1385) decay?

I was looking at the excited state of the $\Sigma^+$, the $\Sigma^{*+}(1385)$, on Wikipedia. I was wondering which forces are responsible for its two most dominant decays $$ \Sigma^{*+}(1385) \to \...
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Spinor index contractions for baryons

For an $SU(N)$ QCD with $N_f$ flavours one writes baryons as \begin{equation} B^{{a_1}…a_{{N}_f}}=\epsilon^{i_1…i_N}\psi_{i_1}^{a_1}… \psi_{i_N}^{a_{Ν_f}} \end{equation} by contracting the colour ...
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B violation and electric charge

Within SM you can prove that despite we have baryon number conservation respect to Noether theorem, at quantum level baryon (and lepton) number is violated as $$ \Delta B = 3·\Delta n_{CS}, \quad n_{...
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