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Layman question about relativistic acceleration

Alan is a hypothetical observer in a hypothetical spaceship accelerating at 1g. Alan would feel 1g of gravity because of his acceleration, and his speed will increase by apx 9.8m per second. What ...
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Why does $a=v/t$ not work for light? [closed]

if acceleration = velocity/time and light takes approx. 8 minutes to reach from the sun to earth doesn't that mean light is accelerating at 37,500,000 m/s^2 ?
J. Daron's user avatar
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If (flat) earth were accelerating at $9.8m/s^2$ how long would it take to reach the speed of light? [closed]

I am having (numerous) debates with flat earthers. Futile, I know. But it's entertaining all the same. If you didn't know a lot of them deny the existence of gravity, and when pushed they come up ...
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