Linked Questions

25 votes
5 answers

Could gravity accelerate light? [duplicate]

Gravity causes anything with energy to accelerate toward the source. Black holes, for example, have such strong gravity that they pull in light and don't let any escape. But can acceleration still ...
Sir Cumference's user avatar
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1 answer

can light go faster than light speed? [duplicate]

Foreword. Since light can't escape from a black hole, we can assume that light is influenced by gravity. So I can imagine that light that would otherwise escape from a black hole is in fact ...
RudiDudi's user avatar
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3 answers

Does light get acceleration due to gravity? [duplicate]

When an object, say a ball, is attracted by the black hole it gets acceleration due to gravity. Suppose light is moving towards the black hole vertical to it... then does it gain acceleration due to ...
Kushagra Shukla's user avatar
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Can we slow down light? And then travel faster than it? [duplicate]

Well, first of all, I am not a physics major, just a high school student. Watching a bit of cosmos and some physics at school got me thinking about this. Well, the earth exerts acceleration due to ...
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1 answer

Regarding black holes and the speed of light [duplicate]

Prior to a black hole reaching sufficient (size ) to stop radiating light (due to excessive gravity ) would the speed of radiation of light slow smoothly down to zero (as the hole draws closer to the ...
RaSullivan's user avatar
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The Sun bends planets' trajectory and speeds up it towards the perihelion; does it both actions with light? [duplicate]

The Sun bends planet's trajectory and speeds up it towards the perihelion; does it both actions with light? If it speeds up light too, then does it mean that gravity is a consequence of a vortex that ...
Janko Bradvica's user avatar
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Can the speed of light actually changes? [duplicate]

Well I've recently learned that the light doesn't always travel in a straight sometimes curve. Therefore, a change of direction could cause a change of speed? Correct me if im wrong please.
Hasan Janabi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What happens if we exert more force on an object which would be travelling at near maximum light speed? [duplicate]

If we exert force on an object which would be travelling at near light speed, to an extent to make it move greater than speed of light in vacuum, what would happen? If object doesn't move faster than ...
Sensebe's user avatar
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6 answers

Since quantum mechanics give you that photons have (relativistic) mass $m=\frac{hf}{c^2}$, why gravity does not accelerate it?

Since quantum mechanics give you that photons have (relativistic) mass $m=\frac{hf}{c^2}$ why gravity does not accelerate it?? I know it changes its energy hence its frequency hence its wave length-...
Jam's user avatar
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1 answer

Does light accelerate as it nears a black hole? [duplicate]

As light is affected by gravity ( gravitational lending and black holes), it would seem that gravity causes acceleration. Acceleration has two parts: direction and magnitude. It is clearly evident ...
darkspine's user avatar
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