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2023 physics Nobel prize - why does it matter? [duplicate]

From the citation: In 1987, Anne L’Huillier discovered that many different overtones of light arose when she transmitted infrared laser light through a noble gas. Each overtone is a light wave with a ...
Allure's user avatar
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What is Chirped Pulse Amplification, and why is it important enough to warrant a Nobel Prize?

The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded recently, with half going to Arthur Ashkin for his work on optical tweezers and half going to Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland for developing a technique ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
110 votes
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How can we see an atom now? What was the scale of this equipment?

I've just seen this on the news - Single Trapped Atom Captures Science Photography Competition's top prize. Credit: David Nadlinger via EPSRC I am not a Physics major but I believe I do know the ...
Hanky Panky's user avatar
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Is there oscillating charge in a hydrogen atom?

In another post, I claimed that there was obviously an oscillating charge in a hydrogen atom when you took the superposition of a 1s and a 2p state. One of the respected members of this community (...
Marty Green's user avatar
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Have we directly observed the electric component to EM waves?

For example, has anyone has directly observed charges oscillating due to standing EM waves? I am particularly interested because it'd demonstrate that radiation has a transverse electric component to ...
Maximal Ideal's user avatar
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Does the gravitational field of a hydrogen atom fluctuate depending on where the electron "is"?

Let's say I have a hydrogen atom in the lab. "Normally", we would say its electron is delocalized across the ground state orbital. Because electrons have mass, we expect it to exert a ...
Allure's user avatar
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Is quantum tunneling related to imaginary time?

I was studying for my exam and looking at the chapter which talks about Potential-energy graphs. Let's take this as an example: My book states that: "If the object is in $B$ and has a total energy ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Can someone give an intuitive understanding of Fano Resonance?

I'm reading about Fano resonances, and the line that almost every source I can find gives is something like (from wikipedia): The Fano resonance line-shape is due to interference between two ...
YungHummmma's user avatar
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Why electrons do not emit electromagnetic radiation when they "jump" to an excited state?

According to electromagnetism, accelerating charges emit electromagnetic (EM) radiation. However, according to quantum mechanics, electrons do not emit EM radiation while they "orbit" around ...
MrDoppler's user avatar
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Why can't we use polychromatic light for making laser?

As far as I have read in my textbooks, we can only use monochromatic light for making a laser. Why can't we use polychromatic one? What if we try to make a laser out of a polychromatic light?
Syeda Hasnain's user avatar
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Youtube video claims 2023 physics Nobel prize winners proved Heisenberg wrong

This video claims (scroll to 11:22 frame), that inventors/improvers of a unique attosecond pulse generation which enables us to monitor atom dynamics proved that Heisenberg was wrong (citation from ...
Agnius Vasiliauskas's user avatar
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Why do we need large time assumption for energy conservation in electron transitions?

For electron absorption calculations (with an electric field perturbation $\Delta H = eE_0x \cos(\omega t)$) we end up with an integral like: $$c_2(t) \propto \int \rho(\omega) \left( \frac{\sin(\...
Alex Gower's user avatar
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Do attosecond lasers allow us to further constrain the location of electrons within the established probability clouds, via time?

It has only been within the last few years that I learned the atomic model I grew up with (the Bohr model) was wrong, and that I should instead be thinking about electron orbitals as a cloud of ...
Curious Layman's user avatar
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Using attosecond laser pulses to view electrons

It is often said in popular media sources that creating shorter and shorter laser pulses will allow us to view electron dynamics as they happen in chemical reactions. This is obviously beneficial in ...
ChrisM's user avatar
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How can an attosecond pulse be shorter than a single photon (quantum) emission?

I have read this question (no answer, just comments): Light, including pulses of light, consists of many photons. A very short pulse has a wide range of frequencies. See The more general uncertainty ...
Árpád Szendrei's user avatar

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