Linked Questions

6 votes
4 answers

If you could ride an elevator through the earth [duplicate]

What if it was possible to ride an elevator straight through earth. If we take all the heat and pressure problems away, and assume it would be possible: What would happen with gravity? Would gravity ...
Alexander Johansen's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What happens to gravity in the middle of the earth? [duplicate]

So I was curious about, what if we make a tunnel from one side of the earth, to the other side of the earth? Gravity is ofcourse always negative, which makes you "fall" and not "float". If we take ...
Kevin Jensen Petersen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Dig a hole to the other side of the Earth [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: If it was possible to dig a hole that went from one side of the earth to the other… This question may not be suitable here and it could be closed in seconds but I wanna ...
tugberk's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

What would happen if an object could fall straight through the Earth? [duplicate]

Let’s say, as a thought experiment, that we drilled a hole straight through the Earth and out the other side. Let’s ignore things like heat and what a massive undertaking this would be. We would have ...
Michael's user avatar
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3 answers

Gravity and bottomless pits [duplicate]

Assuming that someone is theoretically able to make a hole through the center of a large planet, and then jumps down the hole, what will happen? Given my understanding of gravity and energy, my ...
user avatar
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1 answer

Making a tunnel in the Earth through its center [duplicate]

If I make a tunnel in the earth through its center from one place to the antipode place and throw a ball into the hole, what will happen? So far I can think, the ball will oscillate with SHM motion ...
Mohammad Mizanur Rahaman's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How much time will it take for an object to fall to the center of the Earth? [duplicate]

The reason I want to know is because many years ago in Sunday school I learned a story that in probably 600 AD some sinner was swallowed up by a hole, and that he's still falling as of today. I can't ...
Bilal Nagi's user avatar
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Does gravity act in the centre of the Earth? [duplicate]

If we we dig a hole from north pole to the south pole of the Earth and we throw a ball in this hole where would it stop? Will it come back on the surface or it will stop at the centre?
anjana's user avatar
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How much time would it take for a free-falling ghost-like object to cross the entire Earth? [duplicate]

We have an object of mass $m$ which can go through matter like a ghost. It's only affected by gravity, not by any other force, so it's in free fall. At the instant $t=0$ it is at the surface of the ...
Quantum Force's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Earth's graviational pull at the centre [duplicate]

Suppose, I somehow happen to dig a hole diametrically through the Earth (neglecting all constraints like molten core etc ) ... and I throw an object from one side of the hole, will it reach the other ...
user125892's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How does gravity change nearing the core in free fall? [duplicate]

The Pole to Pole Mole Hole- If there were to somehow be a cylinder going from the North to South Poles, all the way through Earth, then what would happen halfway down (The Core). If something fell ...
Liam Mclaughlin's user avatar
-2 votes
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Based on gravity a question [duplicate]

If a tunnel is dug by some people along the diameter of earth and then a ball is thrown through it starting from North Pole to South Pole whether it A) stops at center ...
Tirumala Sai's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Expected behavior of the gravity under some experiment [duplicate]

I would like to know the expected behavior of the Gravity under the following mentioned imaginary experiment: What if we dig a well or a boar or a straight hole (say, its diameter is 100 meter) ...
Hitesh Dholaria's user avatar
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1 answer

Digging a hole in the moon across its diameter [duplicate]

What will occur if one digs a hole in some moon/dead-planet without an atmosphere (and without a Lava Core), such that this hole shall have a 1 meter diameter and will be so deep that shall go through ...
One Kind Videos Experiments's user avatar
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Why do we have to use an integral in this scenario to figure out $v_{max}$? [duplicate]

$$\int_0^R mg\frac{r}{2}dr=\frac{m}{2}v_{max}$$ and can't write $$\frac{m}{2}v_{max}=mgR$$ don't we usually equal potential energy to kinetic energy? A stone is falling through a tunnel towards the ...
user42141's user avatar
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