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Example of mixd entangled state [duplicate]

I'm looking for specific examples of all combinations of pure, mixed, separable and entangled states, but I would prefer if they all have some physical significance. For pure states, the separable ...
user353840's user avatar
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What does a "pure" state mean in QM? [duplicate]

Question: In Quantum Mechanics, people use the word "pure state" for some states; however, what do they mean exactly ? Thoughts: I mean, a state is a vector in our vector (Hilbert) space, so in that ...
Our's user avatar
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Entanglement in quantum physics [duplicate]

Mathematically what is the difference between pure separable state and entangled state ? Can anyone explain with equations?
Neil Tyson's user avatar
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Need help understanding weird definition of pure states [duplicate]

So in many sources I have read that A pure state contains only one element, since the only entry on the density matrix will be 1. But what about superpositions?...
CatoMaths's user avatar
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How is a quantum superposition different from a mixed state?

According to Wikipedia, if a system has $50\%$ chance to be in state $\left|\psi_1\right>$ and $50\%$ to be in state $\left|\psi_2\right>$, then this is a mixed state. Now, consider the state $...
Ruslan's user avatar
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What are the relations between mixed/pure and separable/entangled states?

I read this question which clarified the concepts of mixed/pure/separable/entangled states, but I can't see if one of "mixed/pure" implies one of "separable/entangled" and/or vice ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar
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Methods to distinguish between pure/mixed states and entangled/separable states

I'm a little confused about how we can distinguish between pure/mixed states and entangled/separable states and I would really appreciate some help! I understand a density operator $\rho$ represents ...
Wooster's user avatar
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Entanglement of Tripartite States

Is there any simple algorithm to determine the entanglement of a tri-partite state? In particular, what is the proof for entanglement of $ |GHZ\rangle $ and $ |W\rangle $ states? $ |GHZ\rangle =\...
Alexander's user avatar
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Physical meaning of mixed state

Suppose we have two quantum mechanical systems with Hilbert spaces $H_1$ and $H_2$ respectively. I am trying to understand the difference between an entangled, pure, state compared to an entangled (...
Anthony D'Arienzo's user avatar
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How to understand the three state descriptions from 3 observers of such a system?

Assuming an EPR pair $\psi_{AB}=|00>+|11>$ and three observers Alice, Bob and Charlie, who can communicate with each other but they do not do it for the time being. Alice with a qubit $|0>$ ...
XXDD's user avatar
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Trying to understand mixed states

I took a basic quantum chemistry course (McQuarrie's "Quantum Chemistry"), but it never dealt with mixed states -- only pure states (or if it did, we never got to it in class). So I'm trying to ...
Nick's user avatar
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When is a quantum state pure and when mixed?

Every definition of the two is always very abstract to me. Like, A pure state is located on the surface of the bloch sphere while the mixed state is somewhere within. First of all, what is an ...
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