Linked Questions

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What happens when a force is not applied on the centre of the mass? [duplicate]

The answer to this question force applied not on the center of mass states that for a force applied not directly on the center of mass will have the same linear acceleration as one applied on the ...
QCD_IS_GOOD's user avatar
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One force applied to one point of a rigid body: centre of mass and torque [duplicate]

Let us suppose that one force is applied to a point of a rigid body that is not acted upon by any other force. I think an example can approximatively be a rock in deep space, far from any relevant ...
Self-teaching worker's user avatar
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Torque Equation for a point other than the axis of rotation [duplicate]

I am having a problem while dealing with the so called torque equation τ=Iα, which I am describing with the help of an illustration. Please help me out. Consider a rod of length L and mass ‘m’ lying ...
Klyen Dave's user avatar
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Will an off-center force cause an object to rotate if there is no resistance? [duplicate]

I am currently taking an engineering course in statics and my teacher is insisting that an off-center force will NOT cause a free object to rotate. This goes completely against my intuition. Here is ...
Peter Newell's user avatar
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Force and Torque Question on an isolated system [duplicate]

If there's a rigid rod in space, and you give some external force perpendicular to the rod at one of the ends for a short time, what happens? Specifically: What dependence does the moment of inertia ...
chase lambert's user avatar
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Bullet and block w/ (way) off-CG impact [duplicate]

I've recently seen a bullet (.22, vertically oriented, block rises against gravity) and block experiment on YouTube. There are two parts the first being an on CG impact and the second being an off CG ...
Paul K's user avatar
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torque on a body without any supporting point [duplicate]

Suppose there is a rigid body in space and one single force is acting on it and the force does not pass through the center of mass. I would like to ask why the torque on a body is always the force ...
Kelvin S's user avatar
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Off-center propulsion of space ship : Does it travel in a straight line or rotate? [duplicate]

I'm designing a space ship for a comic I'm writing. I was just finishing up the first sketch when I thought whether such a design would actually be possible. Hence my question: A spaceship is located ...
D. Verstraete's user avatar
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if force acts on a wheel away from the centre does it have both translatory and rotatory motion? [duplicate]

if force acts on a wheel away from the centre does it have both translatory and rotatory motion?( the wheel is not fixed.) And as per my knowledge,if force acts away from the line of axis it ...
akhil's user avatar
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Finding instantaneous rotation and translation from multiple forces [duplicate]

I'm having trouble extrapolating torque, rotation, and such into the information I want. I'm trying to set up an estimation of a sea ship's movement for a game. The system is 2D. The ship has ...
D. G.'s user avatar
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Rigid body motion / rotation? [duplicate]

Let's say I have a 1 meter steel rod floating in the vacuum of deep space far from any significant gravitational force, and at rest relative to myself. Say I apply some force perpendicular to it and ...
Andrew Tomazos's user avatar
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force applied not on the center of mass

When applying a force outside of the center of mass of the body, the body will get both linear and angular momentum. Right? Does the linear velocity from this force equal to the linear velocity from ...
user25368's user avatar
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Motion of space ship when thrust is off-center

I have this dilemma: Suppose you have a space ship somewhere in deep space, where there is no drag force or substantial gravity. If the ship has a single engine situated in such a way that the center ...
cantrem's user avatar
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Force acting on an object?

You have a bar of metal in an environment with no gravity. A force is applied on one end of it. How does it rotate? There is a non-zero torque on any random point selected on the bar. For example, on ...
dfg's user avatar
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Calculating the rotational force from a linear force [closed]

I don't know what the problem is called formally (that's why I didn't find it by searching) and I am happy to be informed of another thread which is answered. When a force is exerted on an object not ...
DasEtwas's user avatar

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