Linked Questions

3 votes
2 answers

Weight versus gravitational force [duplicate]

What is the difference between weight and gravitational force? I am a beginner who want to study physics properly.
brood father's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between the mass of 100g and the weight of 1newton? [duplicate]

I was flicking through my physics textbook (as you do when you need to revise for a test that is going to decide your grade of the whole year), when a certain question caught my eye it read: Explain ...
Mary 's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Difference between mass and weight [duplicate]

I already know that when I standing on weighing machine it's measuring my mass not my weight, but when I take the same machine to moon it's will read different value. According to my information that ...
Waleed Ahmed's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Mass versus Weight [duplicate]

What are the difference between mass and weight? I keep getting confused in my physics class, and I am in 8th grade. Thank you in advance.
KingLogic's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What is my real weight? [duplicate]

My weighting machines notes my weight to be 65. Should I read it 65N or 65kg. PS: I only need a correct comment. This question is different, since, I know very clearly what mass and weight are. But ...
Anubhav Goel's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

How to differentiate between mass and weight? [duplicate]

Today while solving numericals in my physics book I got struck over a question which said "A hammer weighing 1kg .....". In the question they told that the weight of hammer is 1 Kg but when i checked ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

It seems wrong to find the mass using weight alone when using chemical compounds [duplicate]

The difference between mass and weight is pretty straightforward so then how can we WEIGH a substance then ask how many Daltons (atomic MASS units) are in that substance without a conversion in there ...
Crystal Helton's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Quick question on weight/mass [duplicate]

(In the US, just to clarify)So, from a physics perspective weight and mass are different, but when people are talking about weight in everyday(non-physics) situations ("how much do you weigh" etc.), ...
since1333's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Unit of weight and mass [duplicate]

Doctor asked me how much did I weigh. Should I say it is "50 kg" or "500 N" ? Though the unit of weight is Newton, I have seen people mentioning their weight only in terms of Kilogram. Why is it so?
Vivek karunakaran's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why do physics textbooks mention weight when saying mass? [duplicate]

I've always found in physics textbooks (and in general too) that when a paragraph or question mentions mass it actually is succeeded by weight of the object in question. For example, The mass of the ...
Chatrapal Singh Rathore's user avatar
77 votes
20 answers

Is weight a scalar or a vector?

My professor insists that weight is a scalar. I sent him an email explaining why it's a vector, I even sent him a source from NASA clearly labeling weight as a vector. Every other source also ...
Ryan's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Why do we use kilograms instead of newtons to measure weight in everyday life?

What was the reason to use kilograms to measure weight (e.g. body weight, market vegetables etc.) instead of using newtons in everyday life?
Jake's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Einstein's quantum elevator in a vacuum

If Einstein was in an elevator in free-fall in a vacuum and in his upturned hand was a miniature elevator containing a miniature Einstein who had a miniature elevator in his hand and so on in ever ...
Wookie's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

If you are on Earth, are your mass and weight the same?

I was wondering how mass and weight are different so I Googled it. I found that mass is constant no matter where you are because it is the amount of matter in an object and weight changes because it's ...
michaelpri's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Does a weighing scale measure weight or mass? [closed]

When we stand on a weighing scale the reading we get is in $\mathrm{kg}$. Does it refers to mass or weight?
Novon's user avatar
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