Linked Questions

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Is Weyl transformation part of diffeomorphism? Does a gravitational anomaly capture also the anomaly due to Weyl transformation? [duplicate]

Weyl transformation is a local rescaling of the metric tensor $$ g_{ab}\rightarrow e^{-2\omega(x)}g_{ab} $$ Diffeomorphism maps to a theory under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations (...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Confused about the definition of conformal transformation [duplicate]

Recently, I read some books and articles about conformal field theory and I find there exists two completely different views about conformal transformation... The first is that: Conformal ...
JQ Skywalker's user avatar
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Conformal Transformations [duplicate]

I am getting confused if the conformal transformations are transformations of charts on the manifold, or something else. Basically, I can imagine a Euclidean plane, and two observers one with chart $x$...
physicsbootcamp's user avatar
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Conformal transformation vs diffeomorphisms

I am reading Di Francesco's "Conformal Field Theory" and in page 95 he defines a conformal transformation as a mapping $x \mapsto x'$ such that the metric is invariant up to scale: $$g'_{\mu \nu}(x'...
MBolin's user avatar
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Error in books of conformal field theory?

If you look at the book Conformal Field Theory (by Philippe Francesco, Pierre Mathieu and David Senechal) or the lecture notes Applied Conformal Field Theory (by Paul Ginsparg), and many other places: ...
Nilanjan's user avatar
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What is conformal gauge?

I often see in physics articles on gravity such notion as conformal gauge and Weyl transformation. They use Conformal gauge to change coordinates to transform metrics from arbitrary $$ds^2=g_{\mu \...
xxxxx's user avatar
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Simple conceptual question conformal field theory

I come up with this conclusion after reading some books and review articles on conformal field theory (CFT). CFT is a subset of FT such that the action is invariant under conformal transformation ...
user260822's user avatar
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Relation of conformal symmetry and traceless energy momentum tensor

In usual string theory, or conformal field theory textbook, they states traceless energy momentum tensor $T_{a}^{\phantom{a}a}=0$ implies (Here energy momentum tensor is usual one which is symmetric ...
phy_math's user avatar
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Is conformal transformation a coordinate transformation or not?

I have been looking through several questions and answers on conformal transformation in the stack exchange community. While they have helped me gain a better understanding of the basic issues, I am ...
Samapan Bhadury's user avatar
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Noether's theorem for arbitrary conformal coordinate transformations

I have been reading Introduction to Conformal Field Theory by Blumenhagen and Plauschinn. Equation (2.19) on page 19 states that if our theory is invariant under a general conformal transformation $x^\...
Hermitian_hermit's user avatar
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conformal, Weyl transformations, apparent discrepancies and confusions

Because of the apparent discrepancy of how some CFT and GR books define conformal transformation unlike in string theory area, I wanted to get rid of all the confusion from McGreevy's lecture notes: ...
user1349's user avatar
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Conformal group in 2D being a subgroup of Diff x Weyl - Polchinksi's 'String Theory'

I am trying to understand how the conformal group in two dimensions is a subgroup of the direct product of the diffeomorphism group and the group of Weyl transformations, as explained by Polchinski in ...
Mtheorist's user avatar
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What is the significance of the conformal invariance of electrodynamics in a covariant formulation?

I am a confused about the role of symmetry transformations in a covariant formulation. Maxwell's equations can be shown to be invariant under conformal transformations. See e.g. here: https://arxiv....
exchange's user avatar
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Weyl transformation vs diffeomorphism; conformal invariant vs general in/covariant

Background info: My understanding: 1. Weyl transformation is a local rescaling of the metric tensor $$ g_{ab}\rightarrow e^{-2\omega(x)}g_{ab} $$ A theory invariant under this Weyl transformation is ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Why does the Weyl transformation preserve angles in string theory?

The Weyl invariance symmetry of the Polyakov action is said to be considered as the invariance of the theory under a local change of scale which preserves the angles between all lines. However, why ...
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