Linked Questions

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If spacetime is discrete, would we observe continuous models to show non-rounding and non-truncation errors?

Typically, the ground truth is taken to be the continuous model. Numerical simulations are taken to be the approximation. These simulations deviate from the continuous model due to both a constant ...
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What's the resolution of gravitational time dilation?

Time dilation near a gravitating mass depends on the distance to that mass. So I assume that time at 1 meter from a very massive object goes slightly slower than at 1.01 meters, and also slower than ...
Jaime Caffarel's user avatar
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Discrete structure of moving light in space-time. Does the light actually moving or it is triggered by cells of space-time? [duplicate]

I have an idea that seems for me interesting and exotic. It is not about a traveling with speed of light or observing a frozen light. Rather it is about the nature of light/photons and discrete ...
Վարդան Գրիգորյան's user avatar
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Why are physical systems continuous?

To my (very limited) knowledge, physical systems (fluids, for example) can't have jump discontinuities. Why? Which fundamental laws can this be derived from, if any? This question is related to ...
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