Linked Questions

3 votes
2 answers

Impossibility of Monochromatic Light [duplicate]

Pages 24-25 of my textbook, Optics by Hecht, says the following: Using the above definitions we can write a number of equivalent expressions for the traveling harmonic wave: $$\psi = A\sin k(x \...
The Pointer's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

Why are cosine and sine functions used when representing a signal or a wave? [closed]

Actually, in the mathematics sine and cosine functions are defined based on right angled triangles. But how will the representation of a wave or signal say based on these trigonometric functions (we ...
gayathri gayi's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Fourier Transform of a short signal

if I have a sine wave signal for a duration of only a few seconds, the Fourier transform will show me, that this signal corresponds to a range of frequencies. Why is this the case? I do understand ...
QuantumQuasar's user avatar
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3 answers

Why Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?

My teachers have explained this using the electromagnetic wave thing, where if the energy of the wave is high then the body which we are measuring has a change in velocity, and if the wavelength is ...
AltercatingCurrent's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Why is the bandwidth of a 'monochromatic' laser beam not zero?

A basic laser stimulates a gain medium's electrons with an optical pump. One of the excited electrons decays to a lower energy level, emitting a photon with some frequency. This photon bounces in the ...
GeneralInquirer's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is it difficult to obtain a strictly monochromatic light of a single wavelength?

I read that it's difficult to obtain a monochromatic light of a single wavelength. We usually have a range of wavelengths associated with it. Why so? I saw a similar question posted here: https://www....
m0mosenpai's user avatar
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Do photons have a duration?

When light is emitted (or received) one photon at a time, what is the duration of each pulse? Is it related to the wavelength? Is it possible to create a laser pulse (or a radio wave) shorter than the ...
safesphere's user avatar
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Short pulse of monochromatic light?

(Potentially connected to this question, but could not find the answer to my particular question there.) The frequency spread and time duration of a pulse are related by: $$ \Delta \omega \Delta t \...
SuperCiocia's user avatar
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How to compress a range of wavelengths into a single wavelength?

Given the light spectrum from 400 to 500 nano-meters, How can I convert all wavelengths in the range to one wavelength of say 450nm?
Dale's user avatar
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Frequency Spectrum and Energy of an electromagnetic impulse

The energy associated with an electromagnetic wave, in its simplest form, is given by the relation: $$ E = h\nu $$ Where $h$ is Planck's constant. However, this energy relates to a definite frequency. ...
Niki Di Giano's user avatar