Linked Questions

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attaining the speed of light?? [duplicate]

WHY our time would run slow if we move with the speed close or equal to the speed of light, and is that time dilation restricted to only just '' time' ' or it affects our biological time also (does ...
Kamey Bz's user avatar
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How do photons travel in time? [duplicate]

How can particles such as photons travel in time if they do not have any mass? They are inseparable, so how can you have one but not the other?
Adam's user avatar
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Action at a Distance [duplicate]

Since photons move at $c$, do they experience time or distance? If they don't, doesn't this explain action at a distance? From the point of view of the photons, there is no time, so the action at a ...
devhl's user avatar
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Clocks tick steadily, so why is there no photon time? [duplicate]

Consider a photon bouncing left and right between two mirrors in a photon clock. Seen from inside the clock, the photon bounces at a constant frequency. Time ticks regularly. No matter whether the ...
Nobody's user avatar
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Special relativity time dilation [duplicate]

According to special relativity time should stop for a particle moving at the speed of light, doesn't that mean that the particle stops moving as well? Then it is not going at the speed of light ...
Nell's user avatar
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Why isn't everything in the same place to photons? [duplicate]

There are lots of versions of this question around, but I don't think that any of the ones that I've reviewed have really answered it, other than to say: We can't know. So, let me try another spin (so ...
jackisquizzical's user avatar
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Discrete structure of moving light in space-time. Does the light actually moving or it is triggered by cells of space-time? [duplicate]

I have an idea that seems for me interesting and exotic. It is not about a traveling with speed of light or observing a frozen light. Rather it is about the nature of light/photons and discrete ...
Վարդան Գրիգորյան's user avatar
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Do photons move from their point of view? [duplicate]

If at light speed time doesnt exist do photons not move from their point of view? If they dont, what would happen if you took a photon and somehow stopped it would it be at the same point at its POV ...
Octavylon's user avatar
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Photons confuse me [duplicate]

I'm not entirely sure if my question is valid or not but I'll ask it anyway. So my physics porf. told us the Photons are constantly in motion and they never come at rest and the sub-topics relating to ...
Vishwas Sharma's user avatar
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If time stops at the speed of light, how do photons vibrate in waves [duplicate]

I understand photons travel at light speed because they have no mass therefore they travel at the fastest possible speed, and at the speed of light time stops. If time is frozen at light speed how do ...
zander's user avatar
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If you hit the light barrier what would it look like? [duplicate]

Is it correct to say that if you hit the speed of light you would travel at the same speed as a single image in time would? And if you were to (if possible) travel faster than light, you would ...
Leon mitchell's user avatar
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Time Dilation for a photon [duplicate]

Does a photon experience any time. Since a photon is massless and hence travels at (c) then it should suffer infinite time dilation, and hence shouldn't experience no time?
Shashaank's user avatar
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If traveling at speed $c$ in space, we would be resting in the "time" dimension? [duplicate]

Please don't mark as duplicate. I am asking specifically for the 4vektor formula to see at speed c in space, I will get 0 for the time dim. I was reading this question: 4 dimensional interpretation ...
Árpád Szendrei's user avatar
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As our velocity changes shouldn't the span of time taken change [duplicate]

We all know the variation in the velocity of an individual causes different time periods . If we move with the speed of light ,then the time stops for us. Then why does sunlight take time to reach us?
Vinay Upadhyay's user avatar
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Does time slow down for light according to relativity? [duplicate]

According to Einstein's theory of relativity Time slows for a individual who moves at the speed of light and time goes backward if the individual is faster than the speed of light. So , is it that for ...
Srijan's user avatar
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