Linked Questions

10 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to stop time? [duplicate]

Assuming the spacetime principle, if the space is modified the time does too. So if the velocity in the space is increase, does the time slow down? What happens if the speed is the speed of light, ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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Frame of reference of the photon? [duplicate]

In the frame of photon does time stop in the meaning that past future and present all happen together? If we have something with multiple outcomes which is realized viewed from such frame? Are all ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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If a photon is exists in 'timeless' state, how can objects around it move? [duplicate]

My understanding is that light does not experience time. In attempting to understand what the universe would be like from the perspective of a photon, the answer I get is that the universe would be ...
user2092608's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can a photon oscillate when it experiences no time? [duplicate]

How can light experience change if it is motionless in time?
Steve's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can a photon "stop"? What does its world line look like? [duplicate]

Einstein famously made a thought experiment: what would he see if he sat on a beam of light? His answer was -- it's impossible. Owing to him being a body with mass, he can never ever reach light speed ...
markovchain's user avatar
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3 answers

Is time taken by light to travel any distance 0 or finite? [duplicate]

According to relativity, Light does not experience any time. So it must travel any distance in no time. But, we know that light has finite speed $c$. So it should take finite time.
Aditya Kumar's user avatar
0 votes
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Why doesn't light travel instantly? [duplicate]

I've read that the faster you travel in space, the slower you travel in time. And when you reach the speed of light (which we won't be able to) time will stand still. So when light travels at the ...
Casper's user avatar
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3 answers

Why do we say that light travels at a speed? [duplicate]

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the more speed something has the slower that time passes for it; and presumably when traveling at the speed of light, time stops entirely. So this means ...
Derek Roberts's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Why must $v$ be $< c$ in the Lorentz transformations? Do these equations not apply to light? [duplicate]

I was trying to understand how things look from the perspective of light. Looking at the Lorentz transformations, it seems that the universe would contract along the direction of movement into a plane,...
Luke's user avatar
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2 answers

How can photon have wave properties if they travel at the speed of light? [duplicate]

I am not a physicist so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. As far as I understand Relativity, as observer (in this case a photon) travels at the speed of light, time stops. So how can the ...
Justin's user avatar
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3 answers

From the photons perspective [duplicate]

Probably been answered but couldn't find the answer. From the perspective of a photon: - For the photon to travel from body A to body B would take 0 secs. - The universe would be one point in "...
Lars B's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Do photons travel instantaneously? [duplicate]

Special Relativity tells us - the faster things travel their time is slower relative to a stationary observer. Do massless particles, like photons travelling at the speed of light, “experience” zero ...
Stevex's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does time stop its flow? [duplicate]

According to the "list verse" time gets to a pause when someone or something travels at the speed of light. But a question still lies in my mind, if time always travels forward and does not stop at ...
Srinath Pulaverthi's user avatar
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Do photons exist from point of view of photon? [duplicate]

If photons are travelling with speed of light, it means that time is stopped for photons and there is no any distance in the Universe for them. So, does it mean that photons do not exist? From the ...
Robotex's user avatar
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What wilI I observe when travelling at almost the speed of light? [duplicate]

If I and a group of friends are travelling at or just below the speed of light - can I see myself, can I see them, or they me? Would we see anything at all?
Max's user avatar
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