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How do black holes lose mass by hawking radiation? [duplicate]

I understand the simple version answer to this question what does not make sense is if most of the matter around us is normal matter then for the blackhole to losemass from the virtual particle pairs. ...
Kevin Doane's user avatar
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How can the antiparticle of Hawking radiation fall into the black hole? [duplicate]

According to the theory, when quantum fluctuations occur near the event horizon, one is absorbed and the other is emitted as hawking radiation But in order to conserve the energy the fallen particle ...
Abd Alrhman Aref's user avatar
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Can black holes really evaporate? [duplicate]

Stephen hawkings black hole evaporation theory assumes evaporation of black holes by losing mass through virtual particle radiation. As far as i know, the theory isn't based on mathematical ...
Abdulhakim's user avatar
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Has anyone mathematically proven the existence of Hawking Radiation yet? [duplicate]

A little side question, can someone please explain to me how quantum and relativity would have an influence on this theory.
Mr.Noodle_Muncher's user avatar
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Why isn't Hawking Radiation Neutral? [duplicate]

My understanding of Hawking Radiation is that it is a pair of virtual particles that pop into existence at the edge of an even horizon. The anti-particle falls into the event horizon thus slightly ...
Rick's user avatar
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Is this a correct description of Hawking Radiation? [duplicate]

The zero point energy of a vacuum is different depending on speed and gravity. The zero point energy of the curved geometry of spacetime near a blackhole is higher compared to a distant observer, so ...
Samuel Curry's user avatar
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Is there any detailed QFT-like description, at least tentatively, of Hawking radiation intensity? [duplicate]

I wonder whether Hawking's derivation is purely heuristic, and in analogy with the Casimir effect case, whether a QFT based derivation of Hawking radiation intensity should depend on the coupling ...
F.Barranco's user avatar
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What is the physical concept behind the standard explanation of the Hawking radiation? [duplicate]

The standard explanation of Hawking radiation says due to vacuum fluctuations near to event horizon of a black hole, a pair of virtual particles are created, one (with negative energy) falls to the ...
Ebi's user avatar
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Do black holes radiate light? [duplicate]

I have a difficulty with understanding Hawking radiation. So far, I have "understood" (I can be wrong!), that the intense gravity of a black hole can split pairs of virtual particles so that one ...
Frank's user avatar
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How exactly does Hawking radiation occur? [duplicate]

I understand some parts of the theory, I've read from here
Leon Raj's user avatar
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Does Hawking Radiation Violate General Relativity? [duplicate]

“Electromagnetic radiation which, according to theory, should be emitted by a black hole. The radiation is due to the black hole capturing one of a particle-antiparticle pair created spontaneously ...
Rick's user avatar
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Why can’t gravitons distinguish gravity and inertial acceleration?

If gravitons mediate the gravitational force, couldn’t the detection of gravitons by an observer be used to distinguish whether they are experiencing gravitational acceleration vs. inertial ...
Jack Edwards's user avatar
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Black holes and positive/negative-energy particles

I was reading Brian Greene's "Hidden Reality" and came to the part about Hawking Radiation. Quantum jitters that occur near the event horizon of a black hole, which create both positive-energy ...
James Kujareevanich's user avatar
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Why is Hawking radiation composed of photons?

The existence of the event horizon disrupts the vacuum state of quantum fields, and hence it appears to an observer that a black hole is generating radiation in its surroundings. Why is it the ...
Hritik Narayan's user avatar
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Why doesn't Hawking radiation add to the mass of a black hole just as much as it subtracts from it? [duplicate]

If 'quantum foam'-generated particles are made of matter and antimatter in equal amounts, why don't the matter particles that fall into the black hole add to the black hole's mass just as much as the ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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