Linked Questions

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3 answers

Are black and white holes linked? [duplicate]

Theoretically, if black holes are entrances where you are sucked in and you appear somewhere else, do we come out of a white hole? I ask this because a white hole is the opposite of a black hole that ...
Ruby Gamer's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Can space be torn?

If space is warped by objects in space, and black holes are made of infinitely heavy objects, can space be torn by black holes?
user40752's user avatar
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A Sphere of Black Holes

Imagine a sphere of black holes surrounding a piece of space. Will this piece be separated from the rest of normal spacetime (at least for some time, till these black holes finally attracted ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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Are stable orbits within the event horizon of a black hole possible?

This paper theorizes that orbits inside the event horizon of a rotating or charged black hole are not only possible but actually stable enough to potentially support ...
JDons's user avatar
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Where do black holes go?

According to many physicists, any matter near a black hole is obviously gravitated towards it, and transported to a parallel universe. As far as i know, black holes are made up of material particles, ...
Deiknymi's user avatar
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Do new universes form on the other side of black holes?

I have four questions about black holes and universe formations. Do new universes form on the other side of black holes? Was our own universe formed by this process? Was our big bang a black hole ...
Bernard McLauchlan's user avatar
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Is it mathematically possible for a black hole to be connected to a white hole or a worm hole?

I know that there's no evidence at this point for "white holes" however would it even be mathematically possible for a black hole to be connected to a white hole (total opposite so everything would be ...
katrijnn's user avatar
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Is a black hole bright in the center?

As we know that light photon cannot escape the gravity of a black hole so I was thinking that if that is the surface of the black hole would be bright as all the photons would be there only. Am I ...
Deiknymi's user avatar
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Do wormhole exits require matter? If not, would they change the edge of the universe?

As a layperson who watches way too many theoretical physics and astronomy documentaries, I've seen the folded-piece-of-paper analogy of wormholes a bajillion times. Usually they explain that black ...
Rei Miyasaka's user avatar
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Why is matter drawn into a black hole condensed into a single point within the singularity? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why is matter drawn into a black hole not condensed into a single point within the singularity? When we speak of black holes and their associated singularity, why is matter ...
Argus's user avatar
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Is it possible that a black hole sucks energy that is the origin of another universes big bang?

The universe expanded from nothing, right? And black holes may be a "gate" to parallel universes, is it possible that stars that is being sucked in by black holes in our universe may be the origin of ...
halvors's user avatar
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Do all paths leading into a black hole lead directly at the exact center of the singularity? Or could they go very near it and curve back?

I only have a very basic understanding of general relativity, so this might sound stupid. But as I see that gravitational objects orbiting each other, even if one of them is massive, as long as their ...
laggingreflex's user avatar
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Rotating black hole: fall along symmetry axis

I understand rotating black holes are very complex to describe. Yet, I have question based on few statements I believe true: -Singularity is circular -Symmetry should be conserved -Energy should be ...
F. Jatpil's user avatar
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On which basis we think there is something more than just super dense matter in black holes?

Apparently physicists think that there is something inside black holes. Like a new universe or a link between dimension... But for me a black hole is no more than supermassive supercompacted matter. ...
Pieter V.'s user avatar
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Are black holes the edge of our universe?

Are black holes the actual edge of the universe? Because spacetime is another dimension, I would assume the universe doesn’t have perceived corners or edges. At least humans cannot perceive it. The ...
Mekkel's user avatar
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