Linked Questions

5 votes
3 answers

From bra & ket vectors to wave functions

I have a hard time understanding how the transition happens between the two. Starting from Schrödinger eqaution for kets: $$i\hbar\frac{d}{dt}\left|\psi\left(t\right)\right\rangle =\hat{H}\left|\psi\...
Darkenin's user avatar
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Expansion coefficients of an arbitrary state in the Hilbert space of one-particle states

I was going through my notes on the unitary irreducible representations of the Poincare group and the subsequent construction of one particle states and I stumbled across the following steps in the ...
SigmaAlpha's user avatar
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Confusion with Dirac Notation

I'm trying to calculate uncertainty in momentum, and I know that $$\langle\hat P^2\rangle=\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\hat P^2|\Psi(x)|^2\,\text dx$$ But I'm confused by what that symbol means. Does it ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Equivalent definitions of vectors

Equivalent definitions of vectors. In maths a vector is an object that obeys some axioms of a vector space. But in physics a vector can be thought as an object which is invariant under rotations of ...
jinawee's user avatar
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Energy basis to the X basis

On Shankar page 217 when going from the operator representation to the differential representation he starts with $$a|0\rangle = 0$$ And says that with a projection on the X basis we get $$|0\...
Некто's user avatar
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Differentiation of a ket vector with respect to a spatial dimension

Consider a state $|\psi\rangle$. While discussing the Schroedinger equation, we say $$\hat{H}|\Psi(t)\rangle=i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}|\Psi(t)\rangle$$ We also define the hamiltonian operator ...
Dokadozi's user avatar
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Equivalence of Schrödinger's representation of state and Dirac's notation

I am slightly confused regarding the equation $$\psi(x)=\langle x|\psi\rangle $$ Now, basically from my initial knowledge about Dirac's notation, I am able to see the expression $\langle x|\psi\rangle ...
Manas Choudhary's user avatar
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In Quantum Mechanics is it possible to apply time evolution operator to wavefunction?

If I consider a wavefunction that is the superposition of Hamiltonian eigenfunctions, for example like: $$\psi(x)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\psi_1(x)+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\psi_2(x)$$ with $\hat{H}\psi_1(x)=E_1\...
Luigid's user avatar
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Operator in quantum mechanics

I'm really confused by the definition and uses of operators in quantum mechanics. Usually we say that the state of a system is described by some vector $\lvert\psi\rangle$ in a Hilbert space $H$, and ...
user2723984's user avatar
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Different mathematical methods in quantum mechanics?

My understanding is that in quantum mechanics the wavefunction may be expressed as a function or as a ket vector (composed of many orthogonal ket vectors). I'm not too sure about the further ...
Joanna Lada's user avatar
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Proof that rotational symmetric potential operators are scalar operators

Defintion: A scalar operator B is an operator on a ket space that transforms under rotations \begin{equation}\left| \xi ' \right >=\exp{(\frac{i}{h} \mathbf{\phi \cdot J})}\left| \xi \right >\...
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