Linked Questions

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Any good resorces on quantum field theory in a spherical background? [duplicate]

I am considering canonical quantiziation of a free scalar field $\chi$ in a spherical background, which can be spacetime or another scalar background $\varphi$ that couples with $\chi$. In this case, ...
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Can we define a quantum mechanical system on top of a classical GR spacetime? [duplicate]

I've heard my entire life that QM and GR are incompatible, but I don't exactly understand how. There are other questions about that general question, e.g. A list of inconveniences between quantum ...
user56834's user avatar
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Resource recommendations [closed]

Every once in a while, we get a question asking for a book or other educational reference on a particular topic at a particular level. This is a meta-question that collects all those links together. ...
9 votes
2 answers

How to implement a Hilbert space on a manifold?

It appears very intuitive to me that, just as a tangent space can be constructed on every point on the manifold, a Hilbert space should also be implementable as it is also a vector space. This would ...
tonetillo 4's user avatar
5 votes
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Textbook on QFT in curved space-time via path integrals

I am looking for an introductory textbook on QFT in curved space-time via the path integral method. I want to understand the following: How to build a generic perturbative QFT in curved space-time ...
3 votes
2 answers

Textbook on classical E&M in curved spacetime

Can anyone recommend a good reference for classical electrodynamics that goes over electrodynamics in curved spacetime that doesn't assume much knowledge of GR -- that is it builds up the tensor ...
1 vote
1 answer

In the Unruh effect, where does the energy of the particles come from?

If you accelerate an object with constant acceleration, you will in effect create a black hole in the opposite direction in which you are traveling. This being due to light rays at a certain distance ...
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Is there an established theory on statistical physics in curved spacetime?

I tried to check this in google scholar but didn't find a paper explicitly focused on this topic. Do anyone know of some references on this issue? I do not mean the thermodynamics in curved spacetime ...
1 vote
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How does the Unruh effect create particles?

I've read that the Rindler horizon cuts off access to fundamental quantum fields and leads to a mixing of positive and negative frequencies via the Bogoliubov transformations. But here is where I have ...
Orangeman's user avatar
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Understanding Maxwell's equations in a non-intertial frame

I'm trying to better understand "Maxwell's equations in a non-inertial frame" but a lot of the references I found (e.g. are too advanced. What are the ...