"How will the cone move when it starts motion due to its weight"
to answer this equation you have to obtain the equations of motion.
you have 3 generalized coordinates
- rotate about then z -axis angle $\psi$
- incline plane x position $s_x$
- incline plane y position $s_y$
thus you get :
Kinetic energy
$$T=\frac 1 2\,{{\it \dot{s}_x}}^{2}m+\frac 1 2\,{{\it \dot{s}_y}}^{2}m+\frac 1 2\,{\dot{\psi}}^{2}{{\it J_z}
Where $\tau_z$ is the torque due to the friction forces and $J_z$ is the inertia of the cone z component.
Potential energy
$$U=m\,g \left( \sin \left( \alpha \right) {\it s_y}+{\it s_z} \right) $$
Where $s_z$ is the z component of the COM.
Thus: The EOM's:
with $\tau_z=F_{Ry}\,y_s\quad $ and $F_{Rx}=\mu\,N\,,F_{Ry}=\mu\,N\quad , N=m\,g\,\cos(\alpha)$
According to the EOM's the cone will move "diagonal" on the incline plane and rotate about the cone z- axis