I didn't find so elegant expression as your ansatz but let me try. A classical
Lagrangian $L\left( t,q^{i},v^{i}\right) $ for a particle is a function of
seven variables: time $t$, particle coordinates $q^{i}$ and speed $v^{i}$ (I
use Latin labels for three-dimensional indices while Greek-indexed components
are for 4-metric). Since we are going to talk about massive particles only,
the time can be used to parameterize particle trajectory, hence using the
S&=-m\int d\tau\\
&=\int dt\,L,
we find the classical Lagrangian:
L\left( t,q^{i},v^{i}\right) &=-m\frac{d\tau}{dt}\\
t,q\right) +2g_{i0}\left( t,q\right) v^{i}+g_{ij}\left( t,q\right)
where I explicitly showed the arguments of the metric tensor. It is easy to
represent $L$ as a formal 3-fold integral:
L\left( t,q^{i},v^{i}\right) =-m\int d^{3}x\,\delta^{\left( 3\right)
}\left( q^{i}-x^{i}\right) \sqrt{g_{00}\left( \hat{x}\right)
+2g_{i0}\left( \hat{x}\right) v^{i}+g_{ij}\left( \hat{x}\right) v^{i}
where $g\left( \hat{x}\right) =g\left( t,x\right) $. Therefore the action
(1) takes the form:
S & =-m\int d^{4}x\,\,\delta^{\left( 3\right) }\left( q^{i}-x^{i}\right)
\sqrt{g_{00}\left( \hat{x}\right) +2g_{i0}\left( \hat{x}\right)
v^{i}+g_{ij}\left( \hat{x}\right) v^{i}v^{j}}\\
& =-m\int d^{4}x\sqrt{-g\left( \hat{x}\right) }\,\left\{ \frac{\delta^{( 3)}\left( q^{i}
-x^{i}\right)}{\left[ -g\left(
\hat{x}\right) \right] ^{1/2}} \sqrt{g_{00}\left( \hat{x}\right) +2g_{i0}\left( \hat
{x}\right) v^{i}+g_{ij}\left( \hat{x}\right) v^{i}v^{j}}\right\}
where $g=\det g_{\mu\nu}$. The strange quantity in the curly brackets above
can be called the Lagrangian density.
Let me represent this density in a more pleasant way. First, I would like to
use ADM-like notations (ADM stands for Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner):
\gamma_{ij}=-g_{ij}+\frac{g_{i0}g_{j0}}{g_{00}},\qquad g_{i}=-\frac{g_{i0}
}{g_{00}},\qquad h^{2}=g_{00},
thus the Lagrangian density has the form:
\mathcal{L}\left( \hat{x},q^{i},v^{i}\right) =\left( \frac{h^{2}}
{-g}\right) ^{1/2}\delta^{\left( 3\right) }\left( q^{i}-x^{i}\right)
\left[ \left( 1-g_{i}v^{i}\right) ^{2}-h^{-2}\gamma_{ij}v^{i}v^{j}\right]
Let me start the explanation with the matrix $\hat{\gamma}$. Suppose, there are
two points $A$ and $B$ separated by $dx$. If you send a light signal from
point $A$ to point $B$ and back, then you can define the spatial distance $dl$
between the two points as $cT/2$, where $c$ is the speed of light and $T$ is the time
interval between signal sending and signal receiving. It is easy to show
that the element of spatial distance such defined is $dl^{2}=\gamma_{ij}
dx^{i}dx^{j}$. Therefore the 3-tensor $\gamma_{ij}$ accounts for spatial
geometry. You can consider it as a kind of induced 3-metric. In fact,
$\gamma_{ij}$ is simply the inverse matrix of the three-dimensional \ part of
the contravariant metric:
It is also easy to show:
\qquad\left( \frac{g_{00}}{-g}\right) ^{1/2}=\gamma^{-1/2}=\sqrt{-\det
Therefore, in the quantity $h^{-2}\gamma_{ij}v^{i}v^{j}=\gamma_{ij}
dq^{i}dq^{j}/(h\,dt)^{2}=\left( \Delta q\right) ^{2}/(h\,dt)^{2}$ in the
Lagrangian density (2), $\Delta q$ is the real element of spatial
distance along particle's trajectory.
The quantity $\Delta t=h\,dt=\sqrt
{g_{00}}dt$ defines the proper time for the given point in space,
\left. d\tau\right\vert_{dx^{i}=0}=g_{00}\,dt,
hence $\sqrt{g_{00}}dt$ is the actual time interval in the comoving reference
frame of the particle.
It looks like that $\left( \Delta q\right) ^{2}/(h\,dt)^{2}$ is the real
particle speed which can be measured by an external observer, but it is not
completely true. There is also so called a synchronization correction. It is
closely connected to the procedure of synchronizing clocks located at
different points in space. One can show (see, e.g., Landau, Lifshitz, vol. II,
«The classical theory of fields») that if the clocks are synchronized by the passing light signal (as considered above) the time interval $dt$ in the point $A$ should be corrected by $\Delta t=-g_{i}dx^{i}$ in the point $B$. For example, if you choose the closed contour in the space with $g_{i}\neq0$ and try to synchronize all clocks along
the contour, you will find the time difference, which would be recorded upon
returning to the starting point is:
\Delta t=-\oint g_{i}dx^{i}.
Taking into account all above, we can define the quantity
dt-g_{i}dq^{i}\right) },
which should be calculated along particle's trajectory. Therefore
\frac{h^{-2}\gamma_{ij}v^{i}v^{j}}{\left( 1-g_{i}v^{i}\right) ^{2}}
is the square of the actual particle speed measured by properly calibrated
rulers and proper time determined by clocks synchronized along the trajectory
of the particle. Finally, the Lagrangian density takes the form:
\mathcal{L}\left( \hat{x},q^{i},v^{i}\right) =-m\,\sqrt{1-V^{2}}\left[
\gamma^{-1/2}\,\delta^{\left( 3\right) }\left( q^{i}-x^{i}\right) \left(
1-g_{i}v^{i}\right) \right] ,
where $\gamma^{-1/2}\,\delta^{\left( 3\right) }\left( q^{i}-x^{i}\right)
\times\left( 1-g_{i}v^{i}\right) $ is correctly defined three-dimensional
Delta-function supplied by the time-synchronizing correction.
The conception of the speed $V^{i}$ is very useful. For example, suppose there
is a stationary metric $g_{\mu\nu}\left( x^{i}\right) $ («stationary» means $g_{\mu\nu}$ does not depend on time), then particle's energy, which conserved along the trajectory, is as follows: