Electrons move from higher potential to lower potential. When a conductor is connected to battery, electron move from negative terminal to positive terminal.
But the battery itself forms a Electric field like below If a free electron were there on negative terminal it would follow electric field to the positive terminal.
My Question is how is Electric Field set up in the wire so that electrons pass from negative terminal to positive terminal in a conductor? Does it follow external electric field like below or set's up it's own electric field? how can i visualize Electric Field inside conductor when Potential difference is applied across it. How can current be explained in terms of Electrostatics ( I hope it does not sound funny)
I think my problems is this http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=159205
EDIT:: suppose two highly charges plates is connected by the conductor (that allows low current), Can i presume that the internal current inside conductor C is independent of external current? If the electric field is inside conductor, then electric field is in same shape as conductor.