If $\theta$ is the angle between the arms, displaced from the equilibrium $\theta_0$ by $\Delta \theta$ and the torque applied is $\tau =-\kappa \Delta \theta$, assuming equal masses of $m$ with initially motionless parts.
The first step is the kinematics, whereas the acceleration of 2
and 3
is related to the acceleration of 1
and the common angle. For simplification we have that 1
is not accelerating in the horizontal direction $\ddot{x}_1=0$ (as seen in figure below).
$$ \begin{aligned}
\ddot{x}_2 &= \ddot{x}_1 - \ell \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) \frac{ \ddot{\theta}}{2} & \ddot{x}_3 &= \ddot{x}_1 + \ell \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) \frac{ \ddot{\theta}}{2} \\
\ddot{y}_2 &= \ddot{y}_1 + \ell \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) \frac{\ddot{\theta}}{2} & \ddot{y}_3 &= \ddot{y}_1 + \ell \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) \frac{\ddot{\theta}}{2}
\end{aligned} $$
Now for the equations of motion of each part. We start with free body diagrams in order to sum up the forces on each part.
-Fr_2 \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) + Fr_3 \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) + Fn_2 \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) + Fn_3 \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) & = m \ddot{x}_1 = 0 \\
-Fr_2 \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) - Fr_3 \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) + Fn_2 \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) + Fn_3 \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) &= m \ddot{y}_1
\end{aligned} $$
The EOM are done in a direction along the arm
m \ddot{x}_2 \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) - m \ddot{y}_2 \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) &= -Fn_2 \\
m \ddot{y}_2 \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) + m \ddot{x}_2 \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) & = Fr_2 \\
0 & =\ell Fn_2 + \tau
\end{aligned} $$ with $\Rightarrow Fn_2 =-\frac{\tau}{\ell}$
m \ddot{x}_3 \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) + m \ddot{y}_3 \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) &= -Fn_3 \\
m \ddot{y}_3 \cos \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) - m \ddot{x}_3 \sin \left( \frac{\theta}{2} \right) & = Fr_3 \\
0 & =\ell Fn_3 - \tau
\end{aligned} $$ with $\Rightarrow Fn_3 =\frac{\tau}{\ell}$
Combined the all of the above equations substituted into the kinematics are
$$ \begin{aligned}
-Fn_2 \cos \left(\theta \right) + Fr_2 \sin \left(\theta \right) - 2 Fn3 &= m \ell \frac{\ddot{\theta}}{2} \\
Fr_2 \cos \left(\theta \right) + Fn_2 \sin \left(\theta \right) + 2 Fr_3 &= 0 \\
- Fn_3 \cos \left(\theta\right) - Fr_3 \sin \left(\theta \right) + 2 Fn_2 &= - m \ell \frac{\ddot{\theta}}{2} \\
Fr_3 \cos \left(\theta \right) - Fn_3 \sin \left(\theta \right) + 2 Fr_2 &= 0
\end{aligned} $$
The above is solved with $$\boxed{\frac{3 \tau (\cos\theta-2)}{\ell (\sin^2\theta+3)} = m \ell \frac{\ddot{\theta}}{2}}$$
Fr_2 & = \frac{\tau \sin\theta ( 2-\cos\theta)}{\ell (\sin^2\theta+3)} \\
Fn_2 &= -\frac{\tau}{\ell} \\
Fr_3 &= \frac{\tau \sin\theta ( 2-\cos\theta)}{\ell (\sin^2\theta+3)} \\
Fn_3 &= \frac{\tau}{\ell}
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