I wonder what would the kinematics of a black hole falling on an object be.
To make it realistic, I got told that the black hole needs to have a radius bigger than atoms, so that it can swallow them. I think atoms have a radius of $10^{-10}m$, so let's make a BH with a radius of $10^{-9}m$ which if I'm not mistaken gives it a mass of $10^{18}kg$ which is still far lighter than the earth ($10^{24}kg$).
Since the BH is lighter than the earth, from a stationary observer, it's the BH that we see falling towards the earth. At long range, my understanding is that the BH looks just like a normal object falling. But how does it behave as it gets closer ? Does it end up touching the ground, and piercing through it and going to the core, or something else?