In this answer, user36790, who is unfortunately no longer a member of SE, alludes to an analogy from R. Feynman that correctly describes and explains the notion of electric flux. Does anyone have the reference from Feynman ? user36790 called it the "bullet analogy".
Not sure if, only Feynman's analogy describes the notion of electric flux, or if there isn't any viable analogy to electric flux (i.e. it is only an abstract mathematical definition).
Also, another answer of the same post proposed an analogy with the rain (whose rain intensity $I$ is in $[L/m^2]$) and a vessel, saying that the flux is the total volume of water which goes through the open area of the vessel at any moment. I didn't get what was meant by "at any moment":
- was he meaning at a time $t_1$, in which case it is nonsense, since no raindrop is exactly on the plane formed by the vessel's open area at $t_1$.
- Was he meaning during the whole experiment session? In which case, I would say that a $\Delta t$ should be introduced in the equations.
In either case, I don't get his analogy.
Anyway, if anyone has the reference of Feynman's analogy, it'd be great. If anyone has an analogy in order to understand what is electric flux, it'd still be great!