Let us consider the common equation for drag force for any body.
$F_D = \frac{1}{2}\rho v^2C_dA$
Here the A is the representative area which is the so called area of cross section of the body for most shapes under conditions of stable velocity (that is the angle of attack/velocity/viscosity of the medium is not so much).
Now my question is about the distribution of these forces.
Given an extended body, how will the drag force be distributed across the points on the surface of the body. That is given say a sphere, how is this force distributed throughtout the surface of the body? Say there are 60 points uniformly distibuted in the sphere. The entire sphere is moving forward with a velocity of $v$. So each point in the sphere has a velocity of $v$. In that case, will the drag force at each point be equal to $F_D$ ?
Next if we consider an extended body where the velocities at each point is not the same, then will the same equation be applied to calculate the drag force at each point ? Because my viewing of the drag force is kind of like a "whole body thing" and this contradicts with this notion.
I will post more clarification if required.
EDIT(1) : Posted more clarity on the questions.