I have read that at high energies, the electromagnetic and weak forces get stronger and the strong force gets weaker, and at higher energies all these forces become indistinguishable from one another.
But I can't wrap my head around why this happens and why the strength of any force depends on energy. The equations I have studied say nothing about energy. Can someone please explain what it means, preferably in an intuitive sense?
The exact words from Stephen Hawking's book, A Brief History of Time, are :-
The basic idea of GUTs is as follows: as was mentioned above, the strong nuclear force gets weaker at high energies. On the other hand, the electromagnetic and weak forces, which are not asymptotically free, get stronger at high energies. At some very high energy, called the grand unification energy, these three forces would all have the same strength and so could just be different aspects of a single force.
PS- I have left out some detail that, at first at energies around 100 GeV, the distinctions between the electromagnetic and weak forces disappear (to form what's known as electroweak unification) and the strength of both becomes the same, but to achieve unification with the strong force even higher energies are needed.