Suppose that Bob and Alice decides to do a quantum experiment, more precisely, The Shroedinger Cat Experiment. Alice goes to the Andromeda Galaxy, and wait for Bob’s results. According with the MWI, the wave function never collapses, suppose that in one world Bob found the cat alive, in the other world, Bob found the cat dead. In one branch Bob send to Alice the message “ I found the cat alive” and in the other branch, Bob send to Alice the message “I found the cat dead”. If the splitting of the wave function is only local to Bob, Alice will receive at the same time both messages, so she thought that the cat is in a superposition of dead and alive. That is not possible, because the cat after opening the box, must be alive or dead. Conclusion, the wave function split also the Andromeda Galaxy. There are then, Two Alices, One that receive the message saying the cat is alive, and the other Alice who receive the message the cat is dead. To receive a message, the Andromeda Galaxy must be in the same light cone of Bob My question is:
Is this correct? The Andromeda Galaxy also split?
The splitting universe is only what is in Bob’s future light cone ? Or also the whole universe including those zones outside Bob’s light cone also split?
According with the MWI, the energy is conserved, the energy of the new branches of the wave function comes at expense of the already existing branches. What is the mechanism by which the new branches take the energy of the existing ones before performing the quantum experiment?