Let’s consider 2 neutral conducting spheres, L and R, with different radii. There is a battery somewhere in the middle between these spheres. The battery has potential $\phi_{B-}$ on its negative terminal and $\phi_{B+}$ on its positive terminal.
Let’s make the following assumptions:
- All the elements are located at quite large distances from each other, so that the electric fields of these elements don’t affect the charge distribution on these elements.
- Two wires, which we’ll use later to connect the battery with spheres, have a low capacitance, so that we can neglect charges on these wires.
Now, using the wires, let’s connect sphere L with the negative terminal of the battery and sphere R with the positive terminal. The process of charging is shown in the figure below.
There is a contradiction I can’t resolve.
When the conductors are fully charged, each must be at the same potential as the corresponding terminal of the battery, $\phi_{B-}$ and $\phi_{B+}$. The charges on the spheres in generally should be different in absolute value, i.e. $|q_{L2}| \neq |q_{R2}|$ because, the potentials on the spheres in generally are different in absolute value, $|\phi_{L2}| \neq |\phi_{R2}|$ or $|\phi_{B-}| \neq |\phi_{B-}|$, and the capacitances of the spheres are different $C_L \neq C_R$.
We suppose that the battery sustains constant potential difference $\phi_{B+} - \phi_{B-}$. Then, if I understand correctly, there should be a constant charge distribution on the battery terminals. Therefore, using charge conservation law, we should conclude that at any moment the charge left the negative terminal of the battery should be exactly equal (with minus sign) to the charge arrived at the positive terminal. Finally, here we can conclude that at any time moment (particularly, when fully charged), spheres should have opposite charges $q_{L2} = - q_{R2}$.
So, these two reasonings cannot be correct at the same time. I suspect the problem is in the second one, but why? I also would like to know how charges on the sphere relate to each other in this case $q_{L2} / q_{R2} = ?$.