What you might be looking for is the concept of Lorentz covariance. A Lorentz covariant quantity is a (finite collection of) quantities which are taken to linear combinations of themselves under Lorentz transformation. An subcase of this is what one might call 'rotational covariance'. For example, one does not consider, say, the momentum in the x-axis by itself since if you rotate the system a bit, this quantity becomes some linear combination of the x, y, and z-axis momenta. Energy is by itself a rotationally covariant quantity since under rotations it is unchanged. So already, you have a rotational 'triplet' in momentum and energy is all by itself.
In order to get Lorentz covariance, though you also need to consider boosts. When you boost, energy and momentum mix together, so they are combined into a single four-momentum. Charge density and current mix together, and so they are combined into the four-current. The E and B fields are combined into the electromagnetic tensor. Three quantities, the energy density, the momentum density, and the stress tensor have to be combined in order to form the covariant stress-energy tensor. Any less, and the result would not be Lorentz covariant.
The reason they combine this way is that if you only require invariance under rotation, Lorentz covariant quantities split. For example, four-vectors, like the position four-vector and the momentum four-vector, have the time component invariant under rotations and the spatial components are taken to each other. So usually four-vectors come from the combination of a rotational scalar and a three-vector (see time and spatial position, energy and momentum, charge density and current density, etc.). The electromagnetic tensor $F_{\mu\nu}$ is a anti-symmetric matrix (one that equals the negative of its transpose). This means that it has six independent components, since the entries below the diagonal are fixed to be the negative of the entries above the diagonal. When considering only rotations, this splits into three $F_{0 i}$ components and three $F_{ij}$ components, giving the electric and magnetic three-vectors.
A simpler illustration of this kind of thing is from restricting rotations. Imagine a land with such strong gravity that vertical motion is completely different from horizontal. If you only require covariance under rotations about the z-axis, then 3-vectors like position and momentum split into a 2-vector, the horizontal component, and a scalar, the vertical component. So creatures living in this land might come up with different concepts for height and horizontal position, and horizontal and vertical momentum, until someone comes up with a theory of 'very special relativity' to unite them. Similarly, nature started with Lorentz invariant quantities, but we move so slowly compared to the speed of light that energy and momentum seem completely independent of each other until they are united under special relativity.