Hello I came across an interesting property of the Møller operator, which I summarize below:
The Møller operator $\Omega^{(+)}$ maps in-states that belong to the continuum spectrum of the free Hamiltonian $H_0$ into states that belong to the continuum spectrum of the exact Hamiltonian $H$. For potential scattering, $H_0$ has no bound states but $H$ may have them. If $\phi$ is a bound state of $H$ then $(\phi ,\Omega^{(+)} \psi^{(+)}) = 0$ for any in-state $\psi^{(+)}$.
Using the information given in the answer to my previous post, I tried to look for ways to prove it; however, I could not as I was not sure how the Møller operator acts on eigenstates of the full Hamiltonian (free particle + potential). Can anyone please explain why this property is true?