In a photovoltaic cell is basically a pn-junction where free electrons are created by a photoelectric effect.
Now I am interested to understand the electric field inside the depletion layer for various situations:
a) no solar energy input; open circuit
b) no solar energy input; closed circuit
c) solar energy input; open circuit
d) solar energy input; closed circuit
For cases a) and b) I think we have just the same situation as in any pn-junction, as for example described in Chabay Sherwood:
So in this cases we have an (non uniform) electric field as described in the pictures above.
Since the depletion layer is only some hundred atoms thick, to produce a voltage in the magnitude of 1 V, the electric field needs to be pretty high. As calculated by Chabay Sherwood, in the order of 10^7 V/m.
How does the situation change in the case c) and d).
I guess that in c) the net electric field inside the depletion layer will be zero (the electric field from the space charge region and from the charge separation produced by this field an the photoelectric effect cancel). In d) the net field will be small, but in the other direction compared to the picture above (to overcome the internal resistance of the pn-junction).
Is this correct? If so, why? Can you give me some more details (in particular order of magnitudes of case d)) and references?
How does the net electric field depend on the intensity of solar input in the cases c) and d)?