OP seemingly wants to understand whether or not there is a contribution to the energy from the overall translation of the system with velocity $v$. Of course there should be, and we should expect something like we usually find when doing separation of variables to separate out the center of mass motion.
In order to see this very explicitly, consider first the ground state of the potential in its rest frame:
\psi_0(x) = Ae^{-\frac{1}{2}x^2}\;,
where $A$ is the usual normalization constant ($1/\pi^{1/4}$, or whatever), and where I am setting $m=\hbar=\omega=1$ to help keep my typing brief. (But it is straightforward to fill those constants back in, if desired.)
It is also helpful to have a reference to look at for a similar problem. Griffiths' Quantum Mechanics book has a section in Chapter 2 on the "delta function potential." Griffiths also provides a related practice problem in Chapter 2 regarding how the ground state of the boosted delta function potential (i.e., the delta function potential with the replacement $x\to x-vt$) compares to the ground state of the stationary delta function potential.
By analogy with Griffiths, it is straightforward to see that our boosted solution should be:
\chi_0(x,t) = Ae^{-\frac{1}{2}(x-vt)^2}e^{-i(\frac{1}{2}\omega + \frac{1}{2}mv^2)t}e^{imvx}\;,\tag{C}
where I've now put back in some of the $m,$ $\hbar$, and $\omega$ variables to help orient the reader, but there are still some missing (the reader can fill them in on their own).
The reader can show that the function $\chi_0(x,t)$ satisfies the time-dependent Schrodinger equation:
i\frac{\partial \chi_0(x,t)}{\partial t} = -\frac{1}{2}\chi_0''(x,t)+\frac{1}{2}(x-vt)^2\chi_0(x,t)\;.
Now, a few words about the pieces in Eq. (C):
\chi_0(x,t) =
\underbrace{e^{-i(\frac{1}{2}\omega + \frac{1}{2}mv^2)t}}_{2}\underbrace{e^{imvx}}_{3}\;,\tag{C}\;.
- Piece 1 is just the ground state of the stationary harmonic oscillator potential, but now evaluated at the moving position $(x-vt)$ instead of evaluated at $x$.
- Piece 2 has the usual energy factor $e^{-iEt}$, but the energy $E$ is the energy of the ground state of the stationary potential plus the center of mass kinetic energy $\frac{1}{2}mv^2$. (I think this is the piece OP is mainly interested in.)
- Piece 3 is a plane wave factor for a plane wave of momentum $mv$, which is just the momentum of the center of mass due to the overall translation of the system at velocity $v$.
The reader can calculate the expectation value of $\hat H_v$ on $\chi_0(x,t)$ and will find a result that they are probably expecting. (Namely, $\langle \chi_0|\hat H_v|\chi_0\rangle = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 + \frac{1}{2}\hbar\omega$.)