Well, my doubt's pretty elementary.
Firstly I wanted to confirm whether both the cases, as illustrated in the picture, are correct. I've darkened the part of each coil that faces us. Using the clock-rule both are right. Even on the net I've seen these two variations.
In the practical sense, can we say that one of these diagrams is more accurate than the other? I've not much idea about the working of a solenoid in a lab. Like about the connections and stuff. I'd probably guess that both are one and the same but would like to confirm it.
Secondly, I have quite an elementary school-level understanding of these topics and wanted to confirm another thing. In such cases if we curl the fingers of our right hand in the direction of current in one loop of the solenoid the thumb should point to the left hand side (Right Hand Thumb Rule). So it means that the field is towards the left inside the solenoid. We can identify the poles on this basis, right?