I've tried to search for some basic resources as I'm certain this is not a novel question but as I've learned in previous questions my Google skills require some work. My question is the following.
Suppose I have two objects of which I can resolve their size (for the sake of the question let's say my angular resolution is 1 degree and these objects are 5 degrees). These objects are different colours (say red and blue). As I bring these objects closer together, what happens as the distance between the edges of the objects becomes less than my angular resolution?
I expect that up to the amount that these objects reach the part unresolved will become a combination of the two wavelengths of light (magenta) that will transition into the original colours (red and blue). Further, my main confusion seems to be that regularly I have objects around me of different colours that overlap or touch, but I have never experienced any "mixing" of colours at the edges.