I was always told that spacetime in general relativity was a Lorentzian manifold, that is, a Pseudo-Riemannian manifold $ (M, g) $ with metric signature $(+, -, -, -)$ or $(-, +, +, +)$ and that that is all the mathematical detail needed to understand the theory.
But in the theory we use covariant derivatives and Christoffel symbols to calculate geodesics and curvature, but both Christoffel symbols and the covariant derivative are representations of a connection (the Levi connection in this case) and a connection (as far as i know) can only be defined in a principal bundle
This would mean we need to lift the notion of spacetime as a manifold to spacetime as a principal $G$ bundle. But the question is: What is this bundle? I assume the base space is the manifold and the $G$ group is the Lorentz group, but what is the fibre, then? What is the interpretation of spacetime as a bundle? And what structure does this lift yield?
I'm really curious, could someone explain it?