I am studying Exact RG and I have a question.
I think, it should be possible to reproduce the flow equation of $\lambda_4$ term in perturbative RG, from exact RG. However, from Peskin, equation of $\lambda_4$ is like \begin{equation} \frac{d\lambda_4}{dt} \sim \lambda_4^2 \end{equation} when I use $t=\log \Lambda$, where $\Lambda$ is the cutoff, and the Polchinski equation is like \begin{equation} \frac{d S_{I,\Lambda}}{d t} \sim -\frac{1}{2} \left[\left(\frac{\delta S_{I,\Lambda}}{\delta \phi}\right)^2 - \left(\frac{\delta^2 S_{I,\Lambda}}{\delta \phi^2}\right) \right], \end{equation} according to "An Introduction to Exact RG" from Sathiapalan. However, if I equate the terms in Polchinski equation of order $\phi^4$, naively I won't get terms like $\lambda_4^2$. Does anyone know what I messed up?