A matter of language: it is not the (vector) moments defined as the scalar operators $\vec \sigma \cdot \vec B$ and $\vec \sigma \cdot \vec E$; these are the magnitude-stripped (scalar) energy shifts induced by such moments in magnetic and electric fields, respectively.
Wikipedia reminds you that these moments are proportional to the spin for elementary and spherically symmetric (composite hadron) particles, where gyromagnetic constant factors and the signs of the shift are irrelevant to the argument and dropped in your text. You see that magnetic-moment energy shifts are comfortably stable under P and T, but Electric dipole ones flip under T!
So, a non-vanishing moment for the elementary particle assayed is a hallmark of T violation (P is broken in the weak interactions and is no big deal!), and your text outlines their non-observation limits constraining T-breaking theories.