could anyone show me the first couple of steps in taking the trace of something like this, im not sure how to start.
'Tr[$\gamma($$\gamma k + $$\gamma p + $$\gamma q + m) $$\gamma ($$\gamma k + $$\gamma p+ $m)]'
could anyone show me the first couple of steps in taking the trace of something like this, im not sure how to start.
'Tr[$\gamma($$\gamma k + $$\gamma p + $$\gamma q + m) $$\gamma ($$\gamma k + $$\gamma p+ $m)]'
You should write the indices on the gamma matrices. So your expression is actually \begin{align} \text{tr}[\gamma^\mu(\gamma^\alpha k_\alpha + \gamma^\beta p_\beta + \gamma^\delta q_\delta + m) \gamma_\mu(\gamma^\rho k_\rho + \gamma^\sigma p_\sigma + m) ]. \end{align}
Then you use the trace technology to evaluate the traces. For example, the $m^2$ term has the coefficient 16 because $\text{tr}[\gamma^\mu \gamma_\mu m^2] = 16 m^2$.
The $k^2$ term has $\text{tr}[\gamma^\mu\gamma^\alpha \gamma_\mu \gamma^\rho]k_\alpha k_\rho = 4(g^{\mu \alpha}\delta_\mu^\rho - g^\mu{}_\mu g^{\alpha \rho} + g^{\mu \rho}\delta^\alpha{}_\mu) k_\alpha k_\rho = 4(k^2 - 4k^2 + k^2) = -8k^2$,
and so on.