In Sean Carroll's book he derives the two tensorial Maxwell equations from the four non-tensorial equations. I noticed that one of these equations is the Bianchi identity for the electromagnetic equations. He states that both sides of these equations "manifestly transform as tensors; therefore if they are true in one inertial frame, they must be true in any inertial frame"..." we will sometimes refer to quantities written in terms of tensors as covariant".
There is a similar question on this forum to my following question: How to tell that the electromagnetic field tensor transforms as a tensor? I am working on an assignment question that does not refer to the E&M equations. I am simply given the form:
\begin{equation} \label{eqn:equation_1} \partial_\mu A_{\nu\rho} + \partial_\rho A_{\mu\nu} + \partial_\nu A_{\rho\mu} = 0, \end{equation}
and that $A_{ab}$ is an antisymmetric tensor field on the spacetime $(M,g)$ with global coordinate chart $\varphi=\{x^\alpha\}$. Note that there is no reference to the Maxwell equations in this question, so I do not know the form of $A_{ab}$ other than that it is antisymmetric. Using this fact you can derive the form:
\begin{equation} \partial_{[\mu}A_{\nu\rho]}=0, \end{equation}
which, if I am correct, looks like the Bianchi identity for the electromagnetic field tensor. The question on my assignment is to show that the first equation holds in all coordinate charts. To me this is the same as showing that $\partial_{[\mu}A_{\nu\rho]}$ transforms like a tensor, since this would show that the equation is covariant and thus holds in all coordinate charts (or we could prove that $\partial_\mu A_{\nu\rho} + \partial_\rho A_{\mu\nu} + \partial_\nu A_{\rho\mu}$ transforms like a tensor).
So I'm wondering, how do I show that these equations transform like a tensor (without knowing anything about E&M or the form of $A_{ab}$)?
P.S. I think my question is different enough to the cited post, since they show how $A_{ab}$ is tensorial, but not how $\partial_{[\mu}A_{\nu\rho]}$ is tensorial; hopefully these are different.