For a one-dimensional fluid with viscosity $\eta$ subject to a homogenous acceleration $a$ in periodic boundary conditions, in my understanding the momentum equation is
$$\rho\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + u\frac{\partial u}{\partial x}\right) = \rho a + \eta \frac{\partial^{2} u}{\partial x^{2}}$$
Qualitatively, I expect that starting from zero velocity $u(x, 0)=0$ the fluid should arrive at a terminal velocity given by the equilibrium between the homogenous acceleration and the viscous force. But I can not see this directly by looking at the above equation. In my understanding the effect of the viscosity (or "diffusive") term is to smoothen out and eventually suppress gradients in the velocity profile. The physical reason for this is thermal fluctuations and collisions at the molecular level of the fluid. However, for the exactly same reason I expect the fluid to reach a terminal velocity upon applying a homogenous acceleration. But clearly the viscous term above only affects the velocity in the presence of spatial gradients.
So what am I missing ?
In principle, one could argue that Navier-Stokes equation is not required for this problem and one could just consider a point mass subject to constant force and a drag force given by Stokes formula. This leads to the terminal velocity. However this would not be sufficient for me as I am considering a situation where spatial profiles or gradients of the velocity might eventually enter.
The full problem I am looking at is the following : A compressible fluid within a fixed cubic container is compressed at time $t=0$ by a spatially homogeneous force against one face of the cube. After a long time the mass distribution of the fluid should develop a gradient along the direction of the force. The equilibrium mass distribution should be an exponential, in a similar way to the barometric equation. But directly after turning on the force, and before the fluid has found the equilibrium distribution, intuitively there should be some density oscillations between the two faces of the cube, against which the fluid is compressed.
The density gradient should evolve on a time-scale given by the viscosity $\eta$ and the homogenous force $F$, roughly defined as the ratio of the box size $L$ by the Stokes terminal velocity. The evolution of the density profile can be modelled by the conservation of mass (i.e Fokker-Planck equation for the density) assuming a drift velocity equal to Stokes terminal velocity. This is done for example here J. Phys. 77, 240–243 (2009). But the transient density oscillations are not considered there, and for that the momentum equation should considered. My thought was to add the homogenous force to the momentum equation, and simultaneously solve the momentum and mass conservation equation, with using the velocity field as a convection term in the mass conservation equation.
But adding the homogenous force to the momentum equation does not lead to the terminal velocity.