I am currently learning about the Christoffel symbole.
Given is the following equation:
$\Gamma_{nm}^{l} = e^l \cdot \Gamma_{nm}^{k} e_k$
with $e$ being an arbitrary co-/contravariant basis vector in $\mathbb{R}^3$.
My approach to getting this equation would be:
$e^l \cdot \Gamma^{k}_{nm} e_k = e^l \cdot \partial_m e_n = e^l \cdot \Gamma^{l}_{nm} e_l = \Gamma_{nm}^{l}\delta_l^l \stackrel{?}{=} \Gamma_{nm}^{l}$
My question is: Can i just use $e^l \cdot e_l = \delta_l^l = 1$? In my opinion $\delta_l^l=1$ shouldn't be correct because the basis vector is part of $\mathbb{R}^3$ which would suggest:
$\delta_l^l = \sum{}_{l=1}^3 \delta_l^l =3 $
but i can't see another way of getting the result give above.