I'm doing a past paper and this is the question I'm struggling with (it's a standalone question with no other information given outside of this screenshot):
To answer it, I used the Salpeter mass function $\psi$ to be (as I've been taught it):
$$\psi (m) = Cm^{-2.35} $$
where C is a normalising constant and m is mass.
Using this, I got 0.043, whereas the answer given is 0.05. To get to my answer, I ended up ignoring C because I'm not sure how to calculate it/what to do with it. I tried to use this to calculate it: $$ \int_{0}^{\infty} \psi (m) dm = 1$$
but I couldn't get to a solution.
Does anyone know how I would go about calculating C? Or am I going wrong and there's actually no need to calculate C for this question because it can be cancelled out in some way?
(This is a self-study exercise/past paper, not something I will be graded on. But I'm not sure if a full solution to any past paper question is allowed to be given, so even a hint as to how I could work it out would be so helpful.)